°Chapter Tweleve

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It is a curious thing being able to compartmentalize your thoughts and only concentrate on certain things. That's what I was currently doing. I was here sitting in school learning about history while simultaneously trying to forget that a vicious killer had me in his sight.

Between classes in the halls, at lunch, all anyone could talk about was what was being broadcasts over the news in the last week. The Mystic Killer being caught and his region of terror ended.

Little did they all know was they had the wrong guy.

As they bell rang signaling the transferring of classes, I gathered my things.

Jason and Eli fell into step at my sides as we walked down the hall. They talked animatedly about sports and other topics while I remained silent. It had become a routine for them to walk me to my classes before going to their. I prepared to enter the class without saying a word when Eli gripped my shoulders stopping me.

"You have to stop this Krystal. Stop dwelling on your obsession with the belief that Officer Linux is the killer. He isn't . the police have evidence and the real killer is behind bars." He said.

I shook my head. "Their wrong." I said simply.

Eli groaned and ran a hand through his hair out of frustration. His blue eyes flashed with anger and took a step back from me. I held his gaze determined, I knew that I was right and I wasn't going to back down.

"I know why you believe what you do." Jason said softly. "But it isn't full proof right? There is a chance that you can be wrong. All the evidence lines up Krystal." He said almost pleading.

I just shook my head again firmly. "I'm not. And everyone will see that their wrong once another girl goes missing. He won't be able to help himself. He wants to keep playing this game with me."

"Do you hear how you sound?" Eli shouted. "This is getting insane Krystal and I don't know how much longer I can stand by you when you refuse the help you need."

My heart clenched even as my eyes narrowed in anger. "Then don't. I don't need you. I was fine on my own and I can go back to being alone again." I said with more confidence then I felt.

Me and Eli stared at each other intently until Jason stepped between us blocking my sight.

"What your doing is dangerous. Even if you are right you can't handle all of this alone." He said.

"See this is why she can't get better. You keep indulging her fantasies." Eli accused pushing Jason.

"Don't push him." I shouted at Eli giving him my own shove.

Our argument had attracted the attention of the other kids still lingering in the halls. They all watched us eagerly for the latest gossip.

"Oh sorry." Eli sneered. "I forgot that you two are a team and I'm just the third wheel. You tell him everything right? You trust him more than me?" He then turned his angry gaze on Jason. "You care more about keeping her secrets than you do for our friendship. I'll make things easier on both of you and remove myself from the equation."

Eli left walking away from us without another look or word.

Jason sighed heavily.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"You have to let this go Krystal. Its over the killers been caught." He said angrily. He shook his head. "Sometime I wonder if we never took you to Tiffany's restaurant that day if any of this would be happening."

I gasped. What Jason just said hurt worse than anything Eli had before stalking off. I bit my lip and backed away from him.

"Krystal I'm sorry, I didn't mean..."

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