○Chapter Six

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The police interrogation room was just as intimidating as I expected it to be. The police weren't treating me as a suspect but it was still daunting to be sitting here where criminals usually are.

"Is that really what you want to go on the record?" Detective Moore asked. Him and his partner Detective Keane had gone from looking at me like I was the map to a treasure chest to a escaped mental patient in the past thirty minutes. As expected when I told them about Tiffany's ghost they were stuck between disbelief and suspicion. Detective Moore couldn't wrap his head around the thought of ghost but didn't want to believe I was guilty of anything. The look on detective Keane's face however was pure suspicion. He probably thought I was working with the killer or something. I expected these types of reactions so I was prepared.

"Yes. Its the truth." I said simply.

"So you expect us to believe that a girls ghost lead you to her dead body? That your some kind of ghost whisper?" Detective Keane said. "Kid, don't lie to us. Tell me the truth and I'll try and help you stay out of jail."

I couldn't help but laugh. Its so ironic. I try to help them by telling the truth and I get accused of lying. I could've just stuck with telling them a lie, but I couldn't think of one that wouldn't be exposed after some thorough investigation. "I'm not lying." I insisted. Detective Keane slammed his palms down on the table making me jump. I glared at him. He was acting like a bully right now. Trying to intimidate me into admitting to something that wasn't true. Detective Moore gave his partner a stern look before saying. "Thank you for giving us your statement. If we have any more questions well contact you."

I had no doubt he knew his partner was turning this into a intterogation, ans since I was a minor that would be illegal without my dad or a lawyer.

I nodded as I stood. Once I got outside the room in the hallway I let out a breath in relief. For a brief minute I started to fear they were going to try and keep me here. I walked down the hallway heading for the main area of the police station. That was where I had seen Jason last. The detectives had taken him back first and questioned him, then they came for me. While Jason was being questioned Tiffany's parents had come over to me. I didn't even think they knew who I was until her mother clasped my hands in hers, and thanked me for finding her daughter. I stood there in shocked silence before Tiffany's grieving parents. I couldn't accept their gratitude. What had I done but lead them to their daughters corpse?

I felt so guilty, thinking if I had of done something different. If I was able to find her sooner. But those were all what ifs and it was far past too late for what ifs. She's gone and there nothing anyone can do about that now.

I turned the corner and stopped short at the sight I saw. Eli was sitting on the floor his head thrown back in grief as he cried. Jason was kneeling beside him holding onto him as tears shown in his eyes also. "How can this be happening? How could she..." He trailed off as he started to sob. The look on Jason's face as he held his best friend made my heart ache. I was worried about him. He was trying to make sure everyone else was ok. He was being strong for them and burying his own emotions. I took a step forward and then stopped at Eli's next words. "How did Krystal know where she was?"

I waited in anticipation for Jason's answer. I hadn't specially told him I didn't want anyone else to know. Plus Eli is his best friend, can I really expect him to keep secrets from him. He looked at him and I could see the hesitation in his eyes from here. Then he glanced up and spotted me standing there. I didn't want him to feel like because I was there he couldn't say what he wanted to say. And I didn't want to be the one to have to make the choice on whether or not to tell Eli. I hastily backed up trying to escape when I bumped into something. I knew it was a person because almost immediately on contact I began to get that familiar hazy feeling.

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