○Chapter Two

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I was so anxious to meet Tiffany at her restaurant at nine tonight that I didn't even want to go to school. How could I be expected to concentrate on something as trivial as school work when I was on the edge of discovering where my sister was?

But ultimately I decided to go because I didn't want to stay home alone fretting. Between what happened at Tiffany restaurant and seeing the ghost at school I'd barley gotten in sleep. It would've been nice to stay home and sleep but that's not ultimately what I would have done. I would've only worked myself uo so school would be a good distraction.

I exited the bus and walked towards the school gates. As I got closer I could see Jason and Eli standing there laughing and talking with eachother and three other boys from our class.

Oh great. Not them.

Them I wanted to avoid.

I was still feeling the embarrassment of how I reacted at the restaurant. Curse this stupid skill I have. Thanks to it two of the most attractive boys I've ever seen think I a am insane.

I put my head down and tried to walk past them unnoticed. Not that I thought either of them would try to speak to me anyway. Not after they'd gone out of their way to be nice to me and seen in public with me only for me to act like a freak.

I was wrong.

Jason called out my name and I was forced to stop. I couldn't just ignore him. He broke away from the group and jogged to my side. "How are you feeling today?" He asked politely. I still had trouble looking him in the eyes so I was looking down at his sneakers.

"I'm ok." I said simply.

I didn't know what else to say to explain away my freakish behavior. I couldn't very well tell him the truth. That was a definite no no.

I didn't know what else there was to say because its not like whe are friends. We didn't have anything to talk about. I awkwardly started to walk away expecting him to go back to his group of friends but he walked with me.
The next thing I knew Eli was on my other side. "Good morning." He said smiling at me.

I think I mumbled good morning back but I can't be sure. This was all too strange for me.

We walked into the school together and I could see multiple people watching us. Like me they were wondering what these two boys are doing with me. As we entered our homeroom class I noticed the glares of Allie and Sarah. I don't know if it was a good idea or not but I looked them in the eye challengingly. I don't know what their problem is or why they hate me so much but I wasn't in the mood for their drama today. Too much was already on my mind. I was already thinking of ways that I could find Jessica.

I sat down in my seat and Jason sat beside me while Eli sat in the seat in front of me but he turned around facing me. These weren't their seats. I raised an eyebrow in question.

"So what did you do when you left the restaurant last night?" Eli asked.

"Nothing. I went home." I answered him acutely aware of how quiet the classroom was. It seemed they where all tuned into our conversation.

"You shouldn't have went alone. Anything could have happened to you. You should have let me and Jason come with you." He said.

I eyed him incredulously. He wasn't my keeper. I was perfectly capable of getting home myself. Plus he didn't seem so eager to leave Tiffany anyway. Jason  however I believe genuinely worried about my safety and wanted to walk me home. So it was to him that I turned to when I spoke.

"I'm sorry if you worried. I was fine. I walk that route all the time." I said trying to ease any fears he might have had.

He smiled. "That's good to hear." He said.

Knock On Deaths Door (PUBLISHED)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt