Chapter 22

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Paris' POV

It's my third day on this hospital bed but sadly I won't be discharge today,because the doctors said I still have to recover my strength. Also today is the Boys' victory party. Aunt Janet left for awhile to get me some stuffs.

I turned on the TV Im still the hot topic on the news. I saw my name and my dad's name on the news like every single time. It hurts me so much to see people calling him Jacko, I like I could just grab a knife and stub that writer but I will not do that. I just clicked for another channel, and I ended up watching Adventure time

Ugh I really hate hospitals. It makes me miss my daddy and It always brings back memories to me I can always remember the day that I almost die. The cold conditioned air surrounded me. I still couldn't get up because I was also flogged by that man who also tried to rape me.Suddenly I heard the door opened.

" Who's there?" I tried to peaked to see who opened the door

To my surprise, It was Riley. She's wear the dress that I bought!!

"Hi my dear step sister" She smirked at me.

" Why are you wearing MY DRESS? and why are you here?" I raised my brow and asked her. What is she up to?! First she almost killed me by bringing me to that hell like bar! and now she's here with my dress on?

" Im visiting you. You should be thankful because I care." She walked around the hospital.

"Oh I forgot, Your dad already talk to me. And he said I was the who got you into this. Paris you know what is your problem? You trust people so quick." She smirked at me again.

" Stop this shit Riley! What do you want?!" I sucked my teeth

" What do I want? hmmm.. the life that you have Paris. You know Paris, you're dad doesn't believe in you anymore. See my bruises? I made them so he will believe me." She went near to face and then she turned her back at me quickly

"Fuck off Riley you.. You bitch!" I struggled getting up but I manage to. She tasted the sweetest slap on her face. She touched her cheek and she was shocked of what I just did.

" PARIS!" Daddy said, I turned my back and looked at him he was wearing a new black and red military jacket. Lisa was standing beside him wearing a black crop top and black pants

" Daddy thank goodness daddy you're here" I struggled to come near him. I hugged him and he didn't hugged me back.

" Why did you slap Riley? huh? What was that Paris?!" He said and slightly pushing me away.

" Come on Riley,let's go." Lisa madly said and she looked at me. She led Riley out of the room.

" And your calling Riley a liar, Michael?" She looked at my dad and left together with Riley.

" Im so disappointed of you Paris. We will talk later." He looked at me

" But daddy.." I said 

" Lisa.." I was cut off when he left and followed Lisa.

I can't believe my dad just said he is disappointed with me. I can't believe that he also turned his back at me.

My knees can't take it anymore I was standing for too long I sat on the bed with confusions. What is going on! I think my life is going to be a complete messed up as soon as I got out of here.Trying to move on by the things just happened awhile ago, I just went back to bed and rest my eyes.

I didn't notice that I took a 30 minutes nap. I opened my eyes and saw aunt Janet was there preparing my dinner.

My name is Daddy's baby ( A Michael Jackson and One Direction FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now