Unexpected News!

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Hermione POV
Had she heard right?

'No-no-no you mean—'
'Yeah. I mean it. Nobody knew it until 30 years back... Long story...' sighed Dumbledore.

'But why- she...? Why not bring back the dark lord?'

'Because they don't want the dark lord to rule, Hermione... This is much more complicated than you think...'

'They want to rule, is what I mean to say-They won't follow orders- they will make their own orders...'

'But who will follow them? Who will listen to their dumb talk?'

'Ah! The case is - I guess you know Fred and George Weasley?'

Then Dumbledore stated something as casually as swatting a fly... It didn't make sense...

'The point is they are ministers of magic—'

'What?' Screamed Hermione.
'The' added Luna.
'Fuck??...' muttered ginny.

'You must be kidding.' said ginny.
'No. I am not.'

'But how—'
'Thats a long story as well...'

'The point is they are being suppressed- we think that one of them is going to be killed' said Dumbledore sadly.

'And the bond was made such that if one dies or quits the other quits automatically- the post of minister of magic' he added on looking at their confused faces.

'There are two person just a rank below than them- Maximus Potter and Scorpius Malfoy... You will see soon. This talk was that Harry's family is in grave danger...'

'Apart from harry who else is in danger?'
'His wife, his son, and his daughter...'

'Names please'

'Son- Maximus Potter, Daughter - Rose Potter and... this is going to come as a shock- I better not say it now... time will show you'

'You have to tell us' said Hermione.
'Yeah' said ginny.

'Well it's you- Hermione.'
That line said it all...
Hermione regretted asking the question...

Ginny Pov
No... Never... Bloody hell...

'What the- nope, you can't be serious?' asked ginny.
'I am sorry miss Weasley but I am indeed serious.'
'Then who am I with?' Ginny asked fearing the worst...

'See all these people, they are not your future so don't get panicked.. Due to slightest of things, things change.
Harry must have known the Weasley family well because they were the first to give him proper care and shelter—'

'Yeah, maybe here he did have a different life but he would eventually become friends with ron—'

'Yes he did become friends with Ron. But didn't come to see or know you well since there was no chamber of secrets rescue here - no staying in the Burrow for the summer— Nothing. Understand the point, that the slightest of distortion changes things... Slightest ripples in time - and this was not slight... Killing Tom way too early- of course things had to change. Do you understand me?'

Ginny nodded...
She knew why...
She came to know of harry in her childhood by reading about him and came to love him... soon about after seeing him...
In this dimension- she would never have known him before Hogwarts as he was famous, sure but not the fame he used to get on defeating voldemort...

Things were different here- and she had to get accustomed to it.

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