When old enemies confront...

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Harry Pov
They were front of his house. The house in which he had never been...

They stood in front of Potter Manor.

'Its locked' said Draco.
'Of course.' said Harry. 'Alohomora' and the door opened but an alarm started beeping all over the house.

Draco Pov
The both of them burst into the house.
They could hear voices from a nearby room.
They remained freezes at their place.

'You said you came in peace.' came a man's voice with a cold tone.

'I swear I don't know who came.'

'And how do i know about that? You expect me to trust you after all this? You expect Me' The man practically shouted. 'To tell you ok to the proposal you bring?'

'You have to. It's not a matter of choice unless you want your little princess to die a tragic death' The Malfoy laughed pathetically in a cruel manner...

'You can't — I will tell the aurors—'
'Try it. Admit it Harry Potter. You are weak. Love was never your strength. It always was, is and remains your weakness- your greatest flaw among all others...
I am giving you till Friday.'

Harry was in shock... Draco could see it... Who wouldn't?
Because the man who the older Malfoy was none other than Harry Potter in 2045...

'Or?' asked the solemn and morose harry.
'Or the girl dies.'
'Where?' asked a tragic and lost harry.
'Outside Malfoy Manor. Think you would know the entrance?'

Harry nodded painfully.
'You are a lucky man in ways you never know about... You were always lucky... Not now... Not anymore. The Malfoy family will make sure of it.'
Saying these last words the old Malfoy walked away.

The older Malfoy banged the door and went away.
Draco got a last look at the man before he walked away.
Harry's replica in old age - with a tear-stricken face.

'I swear—' started Draco.
'Its not you. We are in a diff—'
'Yeah, I know but after all what we did here in the past, this is the way the world works...'

'Victory doesn't always prefer the good side. It prefers the stronger.'
Said harry leaving Draco in thought.

Draco knew that harry was sad... But everyone was...
Even his only happiness- Hermione was not here with him.

Draco didn't know if a thing called happiness even existed anymore...

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