A chat with Hermione

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Both boys said nothing and just stared at blank space...

Draco Pov
He knew this was a different dimension... but the same could be his own future... But could harry really- really betray him?...

Was all this kindness fake? Would he become as he was- arrogant and trying to make his life hell...

For two continuous dimensions he was seeing Harry and Hermione as a couple...

Draco finally delved back into reality.
Hermione was waving her hand at his face as well as Harry's who like Draco was in a state of shock.

'Um sorry I have to leave—'
Hermione blocked the door.
'First reply.'
'Its not that simple to just reply when you ask a question like that...'

'Ok I will tell it but... I don't know whether you are trustworthy...'

'Trust me.'
'Well, yeah I know you quite well. My name is Draco Malfoy.'

'Guess so but why are you in the future?'
'Its complicated.'

'And how come you are with Harry? If you are from the past?'

'You recognize harry?'
'Of course I do.'

'Ok I will just tell that we-' he pointed at Harry and Draco.
'are not time travellers. We are dimension travellers.'

It took the for Hermione to process this...
'You- mean you live a complete different life—'
'Yeah. As I said it's complicated...'

'Such a rare case... Never ever seen dimension travellers so close' Hermione was suddenly too close to Harry.

Draco coughed.
'Yeah so things are different there and better for us... we want to return. Can you help us?'

'How exactly?'
'Do you know anything about the Time and Dimension or somewhat like that library?'

'You are in luck. One of the very few.'
A few minutes later- when harry had gone out, Draco took his chance...
'A question. Is James and Lily Potter alive?'

'James Potter is and Lily Potter- I am afraid she is in Mungo's.'

'Then we need a little help more from you. Please...'
'Sure. Answer me Malfoy, are you and harry friends in your dimension ?'

'Now. Earlier worst enemies.'
'And- um in your dimension, who is my boyfriend?'

Draco's heart stopped beating.
He didn't know what to reply.

'This will be unpleasant.'
'Sure. Just tell...'
'Well in my dimension your boyfriend is...'

Hermione waited eagerly.
'Me... Draco Malfoy' he said not meeting eyes with her...

Still Alive (Book 4)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora