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Harry Pov

'Furious, when is your vacations ending?'
'This monday'

'Convey my regards to Professor Potter. Tell her that her child is alive but not for long... Tell potter to give her back within Friday evening. This is kindness I offer. Or else...'

Furious nodded.
Suddenly the door opened.
Suddenly the door banged open.
In came a blonde haired old man. He didn't look like him but harry knew that it was him...

He was seeing the future of Draco Malfoy.
'No... I have told you scorpius once before that you won't torture her—'

'Yeah and I didn't, ok.'
'How many times have I told you to return this child- the child who makes me feel as angrier as ever.'

'You as well as I know, Father that how much the time  costs us... We will be able to bring the Dark Lord back—'

'No. That is not benifitious for us. We need to bring his legacy... She will be the ideal one and then we, scorpius we will rule.'

'And swipe away all the mudbloods that ever existed— Yeah I know the drill, but two months have gone since her escape from Askaban....'

Harrys heart stopped for a beat.

'We need the owl before we deal with Delphi before which first- we need to meet Potter.'


'I think Scorpius that it's time that I myself should go and talk with him... Harry Potter.'

Harry stopped in his tracks. What was going on...?

'Well if you think, you should.'

'Yeah, I will be back. Take care of the twins. I will be back. I have an old friend to meet.'

'Where will I live in this dimension...? No... Not godric's hollow. I think we better get out of here and find out.' said harry.

'Lets find James and Lily if they are alive now in this dimension...- sorry that's hurting.'

'Yeah- you feel damn sorry, don't you.' grumbled harry.

'Well let's search the dustbins once we find the manor's exit.
We need a Daily prophet in hand.' said Draco.

'We need to go out when someone goes out.'
They nodded at each other then rushed forward to follow the older Malfoy.

They ran down a staircase then tiptoed him till the front door which had two serpents drawn on them...

And they burst out just as the door opened to see the old Malfoy and in the very next second he wasn't there.

Harry didn't know what he was up to but it didn't seem good...

'How lucky' muttered Draco showing harry a fallen prophet on the ground.

The headlines read:
"Potter Manor in Chaos"
- Young miss potter's kidnap is having a grave effect on her parents.

There was a photo of the girl they had just seen being treated badly.
'Thats- thats—' started Draco.
'Yeah, I know. I think we need to search for the Manor, I guess.'

'But- what is all this?'
'I have no idea. The letter had written that 2045 was not a good place to live in.'

'Where's it?' said Draco.
'But- Oh shit no! I had to write the letter as soon as I reached.
Its— missing' said harry.

'You're kidding right.'

'Another realisation for you - we forgot to tell Longbottom.'
'Yeah just another one of my blunders... let's get on with this.
We don't have much time.'

'We don't need time' muttered Draco.

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