Return of the Dark Ages

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Harry Pov
He was old... Harry couldn't even think about his parents being 85 years old....

It brought him tears... that this was a reality which would never be real... it was a world which he couldn't describe...
He wondered what it would be like to have parents... to have someone who cared for you all the time...?

Harry looked aside.
'Hermione' said James. 'Who have you brought with you? Two... kids?'

'Um no... they told that they had to have a moment with you.'
'Um ok- who are they?'
'Can we talk in private?' asked Draco.

'Yeah, sure.' said James confused at what was happening.
'This world... this was caused by us' said Draco.
'Um- what??'
'I am Harry Potter and he is Draco Malfoy. We are those dimension travellers—'

'In my seventh year...?' James eyes widened. 'You- you returned and then again you disappeared with that-that time turner... You came here...?'

'Um yeah... can you help us? We need to return to our dimension...'
'I thought this craze had ended' muttered James to himself.
'Ok but I should not ask this but can you help me out as well...'

Harry nodded.
'Well- it's us — The potter's... For the last few weeks things have turned quite bad for us... Someone or many people, actually are plotting against us and....'

'And I think they want to kill all of us...'
'But why?'

'Because of her... I came to know about it just last month...'

'Who?' asked harry though he already knew it. That his beliefs were right...

'Hedwig' James muttered.
Hermione POV (da real)
She had the letter with her... In her hand... She saw ginny and Luna beside her also waking up...

Where were they?? Where were the others??

'Where are we—?'
'Isnt this— '

'Miss Granger. We meet yet again... since that dreadful night...'
Hermione looked up to see the face of Albus Dumbledore...

'Professor' she looked here and there and recognized bits of the room though it had changed very much since...

'I had warned you... And this dimension is not at all the way you all wanted your lives to end up.' said Dumbledore.

The trio looked at each other confused at what was going on...
'We need to talk' was the last thing dumbledore said before he took a seat...

He referred them to sit as well...
'Professor, do you know any whereabouts of the other- Harry,Draco,Ron and Neville...'

'Afraid not... but this is for sure that they would be getting the shocks of their lives... But the main point is that we need to stop them...'


'A group of bad masterminds working to bring back the dark ages...'
'Who are they...?'
'We only know one of them...'
Hermione looked questioningly.

'The Malfoy's. The worst of them...'
'But- but...?'
Hermione was at a loss of words... 'But Draco didn't want the dark ages... He said he hated every moment— oh'

Hermione realized, that in this dimension the dark lord had been defeated way before Draco was born... that would mean Draco had no idea of the dark lord...

'But don't go under the wrong impression that they want to bring back voldemort from the past...'
'Then whom do they want to bring...?'

Dumbledore paused. He hesitated but finally said it...
'Delphi.. Delphi Riddle'

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