Wtf Happened...?

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Draco Pov
He opened his eyes. They were in a dusty room- a storage cupboard, in fact.

Beside him sat harry rubbing his eyes. Weasley and Neville were completely out.

'So' said Harry.
'Is this 2045?' asked Draco.
'I guess so. Where are we? Whose house is this?'

'As if i—' He held himself. Down in one corner was a heirloom with- he couldn't believe what he saw...

The Malfoy Manor symbol...
This- This couldn't be- but  it was... a storage cupboard at the end of the second floor.

Though it was sparkling in his time. The Malfoy Manor crest gave it away...

'Yeah, I think I know. Welcome to my house. I bet your last experience in this place didn't cheer you up...'

Harry remained stunned.
Draco noticed neville who started to wake up...

'Yeah.. But if it is indeed 2045...'
'You can't meddle with time. You can't see him...'

'There's no him. I want to see myself and my life- what's wrong in that?'

'Just wait a minute' muttered Neville now fully awake and aware what convo was going.
'This is not your life. This Draco Malfoy could be anything... After all you two are from two different dimensions.'

'Holy crap' Draco muttered. 'Yeah, you're right?'
'What did I miss?' asked Ron.
The three of them ignored him.

'Where are the girls?' asked Neville asked.
The realisation sank in.
'Did something happen to them-'

'Chill, take it easy, Neville.' said harry. 'I have it- The invisibility cloak but only two of us will fit in this. Two of us will have to stay here.'

'You two go.' said Neville. 'Draco, because he knows his house and you, because you can fight in case of emergency.'

'Are you sure?'
'I don't like it but I am'.
'Its changed... over the years.' muttered Draco.
The whole house was painted in dark green.

'Draco' Harry pointed to a drawing in the wall.

Draco couldn't believe it...
A big serpent was drawn... The Slytherin serpent...

'Wtf Happened...? Whispered Draco.
It echoed throughout the corridor.

'Hey!' suddenly a voice came from behind. 'Reveal yourself'
'Specialis Revelio' the guy muttered some more curses to no good.

Draco finally got a clear look at the guy. The guy had blonde hair like Draco and his eyes were the same shade as his... The guy was about Draco's age.

The guy cast a few disapproving glances and then left from the stairs. Harry and Draco tiptoed down. Suddenly the guy looked up.

'Petrificus Totalus'
But Harry and Draco had charmed themselves against spells.
Maybe the guy finally believed no one was following him.

The duo looked down to see a woman come to the boy.
'Furious, Your father is calling you. Don't dissapoint him. Don't dissapoint us' she put a hand over his cheek and hugged him.
Then bid him best of luck.

Furious(...? Draco thought that was his name... ) went into a room which was never there in Draco's time.

Harry shared a glance with him.
'Furious. Any idea?' he asked.
Draco stared at him blankly.

'I thought so. You were born in 1980 so you should be 65 if you are even alive.' said harry.
'I may not be born in 1980 in this dimension.'
'Of course.'

'Well what are we waiting for? Let's enter that room. The woman is coming with food from there.' Draco pointed.
'So we take that chance—'
'to enter. Yeah, basically- ..., Yeah'

Draco and Harry descended down the stairs.
They collided with her just as she opened the door and all the cups fell down.

'Well, well. The mudblood has made a mistake once again.
I suppose all that punishment the other day went in vain.'

Draco saw who was speaking.
It was... exactly Draco's replica except with a slightly tanned skin colour.

He had an idea who this was. But he didn't want to think about it.

'I am sorry—' the woman started putting the cups back in the tray.

'Dad, let it go. We have some important things to deal with than waste time with some petty mudblood issues.'
'Sure. But remember before you leave - that Scorpius Malfoy never forgets even slightest of things.'

At the end he whispered in a snarl 'Potter'...

Draco couldn't quite believe what happened but the last things remained in his mind.

He knew now that the man was his son and the boy his grandson.

But what confused him was that last word...

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