An Extra-Tiring Day | Yuu

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{ I'm back!!}

Published 24/11/16

It was hot.

You sighed.

Your bulky army uniform wasn't helping matters at all, and neither was the fact that you were cut in random places.

You whistled, startling your comrades.

"Jeez, (name), you scared me!" Your friend, Riyu, said, punching you in the arm.

"Ow! Hey, how'd I scare you when not even those vampires we just fought did?" You complained, rubbing the sore area.

She scoffed. "Don't even talk about those annoying idiots. Don't they feel it's too hot to bother with a war?"

You let out a long sigh. "If only we were so lucky. At least it was a short battle and we can go back now?"

And at that moment, as if to mock your words, you heard a roar as a Horseman of the Apocalypse materialised, seemingly out of nowhere, behind your team.

"Shit. You spoke too soon, (name)", Yuko, your teammate, said.

You mentally groaned. Why now? You were tired and wanted nothing more than to collapse on your bed and fall asleep, preferably for a few months.

Clicking your tongue in annoyance and shoving away images of white sheets and soft pillows, you materialised your handgun, Hanatsuki, and backed away to take your position in the formation your comrades made as they engaged it in battle. It was surprisingly tough and didn't go down even after repeated attempts by your team.

You placed your finger on the trigger, closed one eye, took aim, and waited for the appropriate chance to shoot.

The wait was agonising.

Not when it batted Hajime, your squad leader, into a nearby wall.

Not when it grabbed Riyu. Not yet, not yet....

When it brought her halfway to its twisted mouth, you saw the opening and fired immediately.

The bullet tore through the Horseman's head, effectively killing it.

Riyu fell to the ground and you saw two of your teammates run to her, while Yuko ran to see if Hajime was alright.

You stood up and were about to make your way to the others when the earth heaved beneath you.

"Whoa!" You shouted, sticking your arms out for balance, but alas, you were a little too late.

You fell heavily, all of the pressure going to your right foot. A white hot bolt of pain raced through your body from the foot and you winced.

Slowly raising your head, you looked up, only to see another Horseman.

Damn, there were two?

You cursed as you saw it raise one huge claw, positioning it to pierce you. You could hear your team screaming and running, but knew that by the time they'd get here, you would be dead.

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