I hope this chapter confuses you like it confuses me.

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I'm sorry for the lack of sense this makes. I haven't had enough sleep and I haven't read over it so enjoy the spelling mistakes and epic fails  :) 

-Lucy Lillie Lila Luna Potter Fox


Isn’t it amazing how one thing leads to a chain of events that can change your life? I mean, look at Batman; in the recent movies, he fell into a well filled with bats, which led to his fear of them, which made him scared at the play, where his parents took him outside, when they were killed.

Well, my chain of events didn’t lead me to having lots of money and controlling bats in a cool suit. Mine started out being tortured by people I thought where my parents, being rescued to Hogwarts, meeting Hermione, meeting Harry and Ron, tackling a mountain troll, defeating every task guarding the philosophers stone, saving Ginny from the chamber of secrets, finding out Ron’s rat was a man, finding out that man betrayed my parents to Voldemort, finding out the prisoner of Azkaban was Harry’s godfather and innocent, finding out I was Harry’s sister, finding out that I was the goddaughter of my Defence against the dark arts teacher, who also happened to be a werewolf, finding out I could apparate in the Hogwarts ground because I’m cool, I can’t be bothered going through anything else, but now I’m a spy for Dumbledore.

 I was asked to do something for Dumbledore, then I had a fight with my brother, then I accepted his task to befriend Umbridge. He wants me to find out what her plan is.

Yeah, my story is pretty dramatic. But a story doesn’t need to be dramatic to be memorable, just think for a minute, what events led you to reading my today? If you are reading my diary, that’s so rude.

Anyway, there was a point to writing that, but I forgot it.

I’ll just dive into the happenings of the next month and a half; the end of September and all of October.


I sat on my bed the curtains drawn around me and I tried to think about how I was going to do what Dumbledore wants. I drank the rest of my popper and sighed. I better start hemming my skirt.

You heard right. I’m putting the hem of my skirt up.

I’m turning myself into a whore.

Well, I’m pretending to be a whore so Umbridge will trust me enough to let me in on all her secrets.

So, I’ve already alienated my friends, which by the way, was unintentional. Now I need to act like a ditsy teenage girl who is feral and doesn’t do homework and stuff.

In other words:

I’m going to stay away from the people I like; socialise with people I don’t like; not do homework; act like a feral; be rude; and convince Umbridge that I’m really sorry for what I said to her.

I’m so screwed.

By the way, Dumbledore was the one who came up with this whole scheme. I suggested nothing.

He’s making me a whore.

I’m never going to get used to this.


I left the common room the next day in my whore clothes with whore make-up on and I looked like a whore. Even my hair was skanky. It was fun strutting around in my boots and short skirt. I liked to strut.

I walked into the hall and told some first years to move from the end of the table so I was secluded. I need to get used to being alone. I ate some toast. I normally don’t eat toast. But I did.

The Other Potter: Book 5Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang