Classy as ever

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Hey, Hey, get this.

I was at Hermione’s but I left – I totally wasn’t kicked out – and then I was knocked out by someone who is apparently a friend. And now I’m somewhere, with a shitload of a headache and I’m surrounded by Weasleys.

Shit happens.

“Fill me in on anything worth knowing. Like do’s and don’ts or something like that.” I said to Ron, George, Ginny and Fred. The four were all around my bed. And now I rhyme in my head. I wish this headache was dead.

God I’m so funny.

I’m the queen of comedy.

Someone shoot me.

“Do.” Ginny started. “Keep your voice down in the hall. The portrait of Sirius’s mother will scream at you.”

“This is Sirius’s place. He’s let the order use it.” George answered my unasked question, but spiked up another.

“What is the order?”

“The order is practically a group of people that we know and love, plus a few randoms.” Ginny said shrugging. “Oh, and Snape.” The five of us scrunched our nose up at the mention of his name.

“Anyway.” Fred continued. “Don’t ever mention Percy’s name to mum or dad under any circumstances.”

“Why-?” I started, confused.

“Mum starts crying, and dad breaks things.” Ginny said sadly.

“What happened?” I asked in shock.

“Percy and Dad had a row.” Fred said.

 “I’d never heard Dad shout like that.” George was saying softly.

“Percy got a promotion, and came home really proud because he was working as Fudge’s assistant.” Ron said bitterly. I’d never heard that edge in his voice before, and frankly I don’t like it. “Dad kind of implied that Percy got the job because the ministry wants to spy on us.”

There was a long silence.

“Anywho!” Fred began cheerily. “Do try to find out any information that is possible from any adult, but don’t try to sneak into their meetings.” Fred said with a meaningful look at George. The two grinned and looked away from each other, I wondered what they had done, but was then too lazy to find out.

“Don’t tell mum that she’s in a foul mood. It makes her mood worse.” Ginny said shiftily.

“Did you really ask her?” Fred said grinning at Ginny.

“Maybe,” she said curtly.

“Oh my God.” The twins said in unison. “We thought you were joking!”

“Is that why she was being bloody mental yesterday?” Ron said happily.

“Shut up.” Ginny said sourly.

And I smiled. I like being with my friends.

                                                                                *** *** *** ***

It turned out, I had a concussion, and I had an ongoing headache for six days. I’ve been here for a week and I haven’t spoken to any adults apart from Mrs. Weasley. I was locked upstairs in the few rooms because apparently I might fall down the stairs. I think it’s stupid because anyone could fall down the stairs. Just because I have a concussion.

Anyway, I was losing my mind being cooped up and I’d turned into a prissy little bitch and I was saying bitchy things to everyone because I felt unincluded.

The Other Potter: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now