Moa: okay ill "work" on getting up early

After that she gave me a kiss on the cheek and went to the table and sat down.

Moa: hey um do you think we should tell Su-chan about us?

Yui: why so suddenly?

Moa: it's because she's family to us you know she's like our mother and our sister

Yui: we.....

When I started to talk suddenly the door bell rang so Moa got up and checked who it was. After two minutes Moa came back with Su-chan I was surprised I thought she was going to come more late but she had a bag with her and no it was not her purse it was more big.

Su: good morning Yui

Yui: morning Su-chan have you had breakfast?

Su: oh no not yet

Moa: want some there's some left?

Su: oh I would gladly accept

Moa: okay

Then Moa got a plate and served her breakfast and some orange juice.

Moa: here

Su: thanks

Moa: so what brings you here so early?

Su: why you don't want to see me here?

Moa: oh no its that's it's rare to see you up early.

Su-chan just stared at Moa and with that little stare Moa acted like a scared puppy.

Yui: so what did you do yesterday?

Su: oh nothing just did some "bird" watching

Yui: oh really did you see some birds?

Su: yeah I saw more than I had

And with that Su-chan giggled and finished her breakfast. Then when I was washing the dishes I decided to ask her what was in the bag

Yui: um Su-chan what's in the bag?

Su: oh this it's a surprise for you and Moa

Yui: well what is it?

Su: well I can't tell you because it's a surprise but I will give you a clue it will the surprise will kinda shock you. Hehe

I started to wonder what it was but then again it's Su-chan who we're taking about. It could be something cute and pretty or it could be something scary. After I finished washing the dishes I joined the girls in the living room but then Su-chan stood up and looked at Moa and I.

Su: so as you guys may know I had a job of playing detective

Moa: yeah and?

Su: well I have finished my investigation and got a really good amount of evidence

Yui: so what was the investigation about?

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