Chapter 7

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Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

Alan and Alyssa make their trip to Brazil under fake aliases and passports. Nighttime falls and they head out to the Destello Nightclub in Copacabana beach. Drinks, people dancing wildly, drugs, anything you can expect from the nightlife in Brazil. As Alan walks in to survey the area, he orders a piña colada mixed with rum. Alan was flirting with a woman as he saw Alonso walk in with Caio beside him, along with escorts.

-"Alyssa, do you copy?"

-"Loud and clear, Mr. Green."

-"Alonso is in the building, and that Caio is wearing the same crappy shades I last saw him with."

-"Relax, Alan. I know you're tempted to shoot him."

-"Tempted? Hell, I wished upon a star that the bullet would go through."

-"Just keep your cool, Alan. I'm going in."

Alyssa gets in the club wearing a beautiful wine colored silk blouse with black cigarrette trousers, with black slippers to match up.

-"Well, I see the target."

-"Is he moving?"

-"No, just a new target. Looking very glamourous tonight with that blouse."

-"Alan... The mission."

-"Haha, sorry. He's looking at his escorts dancing, checking on their silicone filled asses."

-"Unlike them, I got 'em natural."

-"Femme fatale strategy?"

-"Heh, how else you wanted me to get close to this slob?"

-"Well... With your natural body... This'll be easy. I'll keep watch on Caio."

-"Don't just keep watch. He's just as important as Alonso is. You try to tag him, I tag Alonso."

-"Well this is gonna be tough..."

Alyssa walks in seductively towards the two dancers Alonso was watching. Dancing between them, she catches his eye as their hips move up and down her body, with her moving with rhythm and looking at Alonso seductively. Alan moves in closer to Caio as Alyssa also caught his eye, suspecting her. Alan takes a drink from a nearby table and spills it at Caio, without him noticing as it was too crowded.

Caio, with a dirty shirt, bails to the bathroom to clean it. With any suspicion removed from Alyssa, Alan takes this opportunity to go to the bathroom as well to tag Caio. With Alonso being excited enough, he asks his dancers to accompany his henchmen and invites Alyssa to sit beside him. Alyssa walks in and sits next to Alonso.

-"Uau, o que uma mulher... o que uma mulher! Como pode uma coisa tão fina mover assim?" (Wow, what a woman... What a woman! How can such a fine thing move like that?)

-"Vamos apenas dizer ... experiência adquirida e desejo." (Let's just say... Acquired experience and desire.)

-"Huh... American, no? Your accent sounded a bit off."

-"Sorry, I'm just trying to get used to being here in Rio." Alyssa chuckles a bit, slightly shaken that her accent gave her away.

-"So what brings you to Rio, miss...?"

-"Kerber. Monica Kerber. And I'm studying to become an architect, thought of visiting the Olympic Valley."

-"Ha! Olympics... Spending billions and for what? To leave them to rot? Plus they cover up the little towns to make Rio look prettier. Tch."

-"Well, I love sports, been thinking about renewing it and make it accessible to the public."

-"Very interesting. No wonder why you have such a fantastic body."

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