Chapter 6

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Alan's training still rages on. For one more day he went from breathing exercises and physical workouts to practice runs at some of the obstacles. As he was doing the crawling obstacle, a whistle was heard.

-"Alan Green! Please come forth!"

As Alan finished the obstacle, he ran up to the source of the noise. It was Hopper, with Alyssa beside him.

-"Mr. Green. I can guess your training is going pretty swell."

-"Hell, with every inch of my body cramping I can say it's swelling a bit."

Both men chuckle, then Alan was handed a file.

-"What's this?"

-"We got you a first class ticket to go to Brazil. Investigate the Anaconda syndicate."

-"Wait, but my training isn't finished yet."

Alyssa interrupts Alan.

-"He's right. He hasn't passed through the final course as of yet."

-"Alan, take a shower and a change of clothes. We're meeting at the conference room."

-"Way ahead of you boss."

Alan headed out to the barracks, to get himself cleaned and changed before heading to the central offices. He notices the conference room empty with only Hopper, Alyssa, and a seemingly tan man. Alan knocks on the door and opens it.

-"Hope I'm not interrupting."

-"Mr. Green. Sit down, please.

-"Just call me Alan, boss." Alan sits down. -"Now wassup?"

Alyssa looks at the three men sitting by the table, and she looks back at the projected wall.

-"So this is the one? Alright. Alan Green. On your mission in the borders of Syria and Iraq you interfered with one of our investigations. The Anaconda syndicate, a weapons and narcotic trafficking organization has been under the eye of the ASF, as they were making dealings with another organization we are tracking known as ESTROY."

She changes the slide from a serpent emblem to a circle divided in three.

-"ESTROY is distributing the weapon known as the "EW Formula" to several other weapon dealers, and Anaconda is their biggest client. Our objective is to strike at Anaconda to get more information regarding to ESTROY and prevent this biological weapon to be distributed to any more terrorist networks."

She changes the slide to a montage of pictures. The same pictures Alan saw in his camp, the effects of the Formula.

-"Pardon the disturbing contents of the image-"


-"Mr. Green?

He sighs. -"Yeah... Damn. Sorry. Got a little stomach ache."

-"Feeling nauseous, Mr. Green? Do you need to leave the premises?"

Hopper stands up and takes the projectors remote off Alyssas hand.

-"Now Mr. Green. Anaconda is based in Rio De Janeiro..."


-"...and it is currently lead by Alonso Terga. Age 42, drug and weapons lord."

-"And a fat turd, also. His hair is even receding!"

-"Beware Alan. Alonso is protected by Caio Vellaga. Caio is pretty much the one who does Alonso's work. Murder, weapon dealings, extorsion, you name it."

-"Hey wait a minute... That's the guy I saw at the border. He was the dealer."

-"Yeah. We're gonna send you out to Rio to investigate their operations. We'll bring 'em down once you get enough evidence."

-"Well we do have the formula. Isn't that enough?"

-"Yes, it's one of the core pieces of evidence. But we need to know where their hideout is, every one of their contacts within and out of the syndicate, everything."

-"But sir!" Alyssa interrupts -"He hasn't finished training."

-"Bur he has shown skill."

-"Not all of it."

-"But we'll know in the field because you're going in with him."

-"Wait, what?"

-"He's got enough to be a field agent, but he does need a good recon operative for the job."

-"Ooohhh, Alyssa's gonna be my escort for the job, huh?"

-"More like your babysitter, Alan."

-"Now Alonso's been seen to go to the Copacabana beach. He's also been seen in the City Of God favela. So up and at 'em."

Alan packs up for the trip. He goes over to Alyssa, seeing her already packing up.

-"Ever been to Brazil before?"

-"No, but it always caught my eye. You?"

-"Only once. You know, Copacabana, nightclubs and stuff like that."

-"I'm not much of a party person, Alan."

-"Well that's gotta change. I mean with that body of yours you can easily do a lot of dance moves."

-"Alan, I'm a trained agent, not some bimbo from the corner."

-"Well like I said, you'll have to change that. Alonso's been hanging out at this particular nightclub as of late."

Alan hands her a promotional pamphlette of a nightclub and points at Alonso unintentionally showing his face.

-"Huh... And what do you suggest I do?"

-"Practice those moves, Alonso seems the kind of guy who would go for beautiful ladies such as yourself."

-"Heh... Men..."

Alan GreenWhere stories live. Discover now