Chapter 4

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Rio De Janeiro, Favela Cidade De Deus.

On a rundown large building there was a party. Music, drugs, smoke, lights, women, everything a party needs for the hardcore. An addition to it is the abundance of weapons. Fortunately they're not loaded, at least most of them. Several men in expensive clothing have tattoos on their hands that resemble a snake, biting a hand. Which means the party is run by the Anaconda gang.

Several stories up the building lies the "VIP area", where the walls are still run down, but the room has been decorated with golden guns and framed paintings, which are obviously stolen and an indoor pool, with an obese, bearded man with a large snake tattoo in his chest and beautiful women on his sides. The women look on the door as they see a man, heavily tattooed with snakes on his back walks in and gets inside of the pool. He went towards the fat man, one girl moving away to give the men room to talk.

-"Heeyy, Caio, que diabos aconteceu para trás no Iraque?" (What the hell happened in Iraq?)

-"Cães do Exército . Eles entraram e desarrumada todo o negócio para cima. Eles vieram em explodir , temos alguns dos nossos homens , mas a pior parte ..." (Army dogs. They came in and messed the whole deal up. They came in shooting, got some of our men... Plus the worst part...)

-"Qual é a pior parte ?" (What's the worst part?)

-"We lost one of the boxes... The army dogs took it."

-"Now that is a problem..."

-"They are definitely onto us, Alonso."

-"You think I don't know? If you were someone else I would have drowned you in here already. But I know you're a smart man Caio. You'll pull us off, yes?"

-"What do you suggest we should do?"

-"Well, what would you do?"

Caio looks a bit confused as Alonso didn't answer his question.

-"Well, I'd say that we should move the stuff to the shipyard or-"

-"Then move it to the shipyard!" Alonso interrupts Caio. "You see, we need to keep that stuff out of sight. It is too good. Too good for army to use."

-"I was going to suggest we ship them out to EISA-"

-"Do whatever you think it's best. If EISA much hidden from army, then we are good."

Slightly annoyed, Caio steps out of the pool and heads outside. Alonso is an obese, lazy man, despite being the leader of the organization. But he leaves most of his duties to Caio. Caio, all dressed up and set to leave the building, finds several rival gang members drinking in the party. He heads up to them.

-"Hey , quem diabos você convidou aqui?" (Hey, who the hell invited you here?)

-"Oh olhar , é cadela do homem gordo . O que, você acabou de terminar de alterar as fraldas? (Oh look, it's the fat man's bitch. What, did you just finish changing his diapers?)"

-"O que você quer?" (What do you want?)"

-"Seu chefe nos deve dinheiro , muito del." (Your boss owes us money, lots of it.)

-"E você realmente acha que nós temos o nouse a pagar em dinheiro ? Eu pensei que nós já pagamos com armas." (And you really think we have the nouse to pay you back in cash? I thought we already payed with weapons.)

-"E suas pequenas coisinhas de seringas virou nossos rapazes em monstros! Nós queremos nosso dinheiro de volta." (And your little syringe thingies turned our men into monsters! We want our money back.)

-"Provavelmente porque você não leu as instruções, cabeça de carne." (Probably cause you didn't read the instructions, meathead.)

The gang members rose up from the couches, surrounding Caio.

-"Você realmente vai fazer isso? Porque se você realmente é , então você está fazendo isso muito pior do que ele significou."
(Are you really going to do this? Because if you really are then you're making this a lot worse than it's meant.)

They approach Caio, one clenching his fist, as Caio strips from his fur coat sighing.

-"Very well..."

Caio throws his jacket on one of the assailants, he punches one in the face while back kicking another straight to the jaw, boosting him forward into tackling the one who had his jacket. Then two other gang members jumped on him as he manages to dodge it. Grabbing a bottle of beer, he smashes it on someones head and stabs the other on the leg with the remaining parts of the bottle. Caio punches him in the jaw, knocking him out, as the gangster who had his jacket comes back up and brings out his switchblade. Caio, picks one of the assailants and used him as a human shield, resulting on the other guy stabbing him. Caio then goes over to the other one and kicks him in the stomach, and with his other leg, kicks him again into a glass table.
His warning to customers of the formula now sent, Caio picks up his jacket and wears it again, heading out to Ihla Grande to distribute the formula.

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