Chapter 3

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After changing to a more casual apparel, Alan packed his bags as he was preparing to leave camp. Shane walked up to him, apparently to say goodbye.

-"So, a special task force, huh, Al?"

-"Yeah, apparently the black box had bigger stuff than we thought. He said i went way too deep."

-"Deep in the water?"

-"Yeah, rock bottom, like... Angler fish deep."

Alan picked up his bags and puts them on his shoulder, but dropped it quickly after.

-"The hell you doing?"

-"I wanna give you something."

Alan pulls out his Twisted Sister tape, and hands it to Shane.

-"Aw, come one man. Your tape? Hell, I don't need this."

-"Shane, take this. It's a token from me. If we ever bump into each other again then, well..."

Shane looks at the tape, then puts it in his pocket.

-"I know man... Thanks."

Alan closes in to Shane for one last hug.

-"To good times"

-"Too good times, Al..."

-"I'll see ya around."

Alan leaves the barracks and headed to the chopper where his general and Hopper were. The rotors were already on, blowing sand across the camp. The general gave Alan a sheet of discharge.

-"You're officially discharged, Alan!"

He turns to Hopper.

-"Hopper! They're all yours! The plane's fueled and Alan's packed up!"

-"I see that, general! Thank you!"

Hopper got inside the plane, and Alan walked inside, dropping his bags once inside. As the hatch closed, so is Alan's duty with the Army. The plane took off, heading back to the east coast of the U.S. to ASF HQ. Of course, they stopped in England for refueling before setting course again. While they were in the area, Alan was watching the news as he was waiting for the aircraft to be set to leave, of the ongoing Saint León attack in New Mexico. Once refueled, they headed off to the east coast of the US and moved into a chopper on the landing field. They have flown through a cliffside off the coasts of Maine, waves hitting the rocky bottom. Alan wondered.

-"Hey Hopper, you said we were close, huh!?"

-"Yeah! I did! Just a tiny bit further!"

-"But I don't see anything! It's just a goddamn cliff!"

-"Not just a cliff! Look!"

Alan looks over to one particular part of the cliff, which was not rock, or dirt. No buildings was found on the fields, but the building itself is within the cliff. There he saw a modernized bulding, with a spacious heliport in front of it. Alan was amazed by the sight of the beautiful architecture and the placement of the building. The aircraft landed on the port, where several agents have awaited for Hopper's arrival.

-"Mister Hopper! Welcome back!" A female agent came forward, with brunette, wavy hair, light tan skin and light brown eyes.

-"Alan! I'd like you to meet Alyssa Morano. She'll be your guide for today."

-"Hell yeah I need one, I mean... look at this!"

Hopper laughs and shows Alan the way inside. Alyssa was touring Alan through the initial parts of the building. As they went through the main office, Alan stood in fascination and looked around. Technology that governmental agencies normally don't possess, agents formerly serving other bureaus and army vets are there as well. Plus the structural design, mixed with some natural rock from the cliffs have left Alan amazed. He realized he made the clear choice on leaving the army. Hopper dragged Alan on, as Alyssa showed him the archive room, where evidence and records are kept. Next the armory/range, where top notch weapons are used, such as Beretta pistols, SCAR rifles, AUG's, AA-12's, Barrett M98's, and many more weapons are kept. She also showed Alan the cells, where prisoners are kept for trial or interrogation, as the justice system also applies to them in federal level. If a fugitive was ever considered too dangerous, the trial will be set in the building itself, then they will be sent to the maximum security prison known as The Locker. Finally, the tour ends with the trainee grounds. With boot camp sort of training and an accomodation, Alan seems prepared for what's coming.

-"Alright, this concludes our tour. Are there any questions, Mr. Green?"

-"Yeah, Miss....?"


-"Morano... How is this anything different than an army bootcamp? Doesn't look any different."

-"Hostile attack simulation."


-"Yes. In order to test the reflexes of our trainees we send out agents with modified guns to come attack you. Plus several more will be sent for hand to hand combat."

-"Huh... Active offenses huh?"

-"Exactly. Makes trainees pass faster than they did in an army bootcamp."

Alan notices some agents loading up their rifles.

-"Don't worry, shots are non-lethal. Either BB's or tranqs. Now, barracks are over there."

Alyssa led Alan to the barracks. As Alan threw his bag on his assigned bed, he turned to her.

-"Hey, can i ask?"


-"How long did it take you to clear that course?"

-"Around 27 minutes the whole thing."

-"Wait.... So we just do all of the obstacles at once!?"

-"We all have to be prepared physically and mentally for what's coming. This isn't an army bootcamp where you do some courses. We all have to be prepared for surprises."

-"And I'm surprised that you suddenly became my teacher today, miss secretary."

-"Tch, this "secretary" is a field agent, if you must know."

-"Field agent, huh? That skirt fooled me, thought agents wouldn't look like plain Jane's."

-"Well the plain Jane has several surprises planned for you."

-"Such as?"

Alyssa pulls out a gun at Alan, but Alan reacts quickly by disarming Alyssa. She drops the clipboard on her off hand and punches him in the liver as the gun drops, and knees him in the stomach. Alan drops in pain as Alyssa quickly picks up her gun and aims at Alans head."

-"Huh.... Good reflexes. But like I said... Be prepared for surprises. Otherwise you end up with a bullet in your skull."

-"I thought you guys used dummy guns, I ain't scared of it."

Alyssa unloads her gun and shows the magazine, holding live bullets.


-"Like I said, mister Green.... Surprises."

Alyssa picks up her clipboard, loads her gun, sheathes it and walks out of the barracks. Alan looks at her, smiling with determination. Now he knows that the training won't exactly be easy.

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