It's A Dance (5)

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I ran through the hospital. There had to be a way to save her. She was dying on the surgery table. My mother was the only one I had and I needed to keep her alive. I ran fast but the hall just grew longer. I screamed as I saw her cut open body walking. She was bloody, battered and bruised and walking. Half her face was peeled off. I let out a loud scream and began walking the other way.

"Ebony?! Ebony wake up! Ebony," Landon yelled. I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was crouched in front of me with his hands on my knees. My throat was closed over and tears were creating wet tracks down my face. I wiped them away with the back of my hand and gave him a soft smile.

"I'm okay Landon."

He gave me a disbelieving look and remained crouched in front of me. I sighed and looked at the clock across the room. We had been here three hours. When I looked to my left my father was asleep and to my right was Lindy. She watched me carefully before taking my hands in hers.

"Nightmare?" she asked calmly. I nodded and didn't meet her eyes. I was ashamed that I wasn't strong enough to handle this by myself. I had been dealing with it for years alone and as soon as they showed up I became a blubbering mess.

"What happened?" Landon asked as he rubbed my knees soothingly.

"My mother had a peeling face and her body was cut and bruised like the ones she's given to me over the years."

"It'll be okay honey. I want you to keep living at my place with us. I can help you," Lindy said. I looked over at my father who was snoring lightly. His dark hair fell into his eyes. He looked about ten years older than he already was and his suit was wrinkled. I couldn't leave him alone.

"He needs me," I said while looking at my father. His eyelids fluttered and he slowly stretched before looking at me.

"Hey kiddo," he greeted gruffly.

"Hi daddy," I replied before turning to look at Lindy who had released my hands and was thinking carefully.

"I'm going to buy you your own apartment," she declared.

"I got a job Lindy. I could pay rent by myself."

"You're only sixteen. You need an adult to sign off on the lease for you and your father can't without your mother finding out where you are."

"Are you sure?" I asked her excitedly. If I was on my own my mother wouldn't have much of a hold over me.

"Honey it's the chance of a lifetime," Dad said while pulling my hand to him. "You need to get away from her and this may be the only chance you have for a few years."

"Will you be okay?" I asked him.

"Yes. I'll send you a note a few times a week but you need to go now before she realizes you're here. Trust Lindy baby girl, she will keep you safe."

"Promise me you'll come see me?" I asked while my eyes watered slightly. I really loved my father and it would suck to be without him. He was right though. I needed to do this for me.

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