Chapter Twenty-Five

Start from the beginning

Sheer shock overtook his senses with any attempt at speaking resulting in him being forced to slam his mouth shut once again. I watched him intently, almost amused at his squirming. His body language alone demonstrated his loss for words despite the demeanour he had tried to conceal it beneath.

"Luke?" He spat maliciously. "He told you this didn't he?"

"Don't you dare bring him into this, never mind punish him for actually telling the truth. Something you evidently don't know how to do!" My voice increased volume with every word that I spoke, the thought of everyone in the house hearing this conversation not being a concern of mine.

"Adelaide," he responded with the same tone that I had used. "We were trying to keep you safe. I-"

I scoffed. "Here we go! How many insufficient excuses have you got hidden up your sleeve this time?" My question was left unanswered as he watched my rant silently. "I can't even comprehend what this would have spiralled into had Luke not told me about this now!"

"Luke had no right to interfere like this," he interjected. 

"He had every right!"

"What gives him that right though Adelaide? Just because you two are pally-pally now doesn't mean that he can go about telling you confidential information!"

"Confidential information?" I repeated in disbelief as my voice increased to shout. "That's what you regard Bennett's death to be? You make me sick, utterly sick!"

"Adelaide, can we at least talk about this sensibly?" He sighed.

"I had full intentions of letting you explain, I honestly did but I can't, not now, especially taking into consideration the fact that you just want to throw your excuses at me," I defended, making my way toward the door in a hasty exit, though my father spoke up once more before I'd had the chance to leave.

"Adelaide?" He called; his voice dropping back to his usual monotone. "Can you send Luke to see me please?"

I scoffed at his words and his ability to discard the entirety of a conversation that had taken place merely seconds before, leaving the room without giving him a response.

The slam of the door being hurled shut dissipated to reveal the unusual silence of the house, providing evidence toward my assumption that everyone in the house had been an audience for the more than harsh words that had been exchanged between myself and my father. I sighed as my feet pounded along the carpeting in a hurry to get back to somewhere that I could be alone, though I didn't exactly want to be fully alone. 

I continued my pursuit toward my room, making it around the final corner that lead toward the stairs, before my body fell heavily against someone else's. My eyes had been trained solemnly onto the flooring, leaving my body little time to react, though I eventually steadied myself and raised my eye line to meet Luke's sympathetic gaze.

"My father wants to see you," I informed, unable to return the soft smile he had thrown my way.

"I'm off duty," he replied simply. "Well technically I'm meant to always be on duty, but I've decided that I'm not today."

I watched him grinning at me and despite my mood I couldn't help the upturning of my lips in response. "You should go see what he wants Luke, it could be important," I advised as I continued down the hallway, Luke in fast pursuit behind me.

"This is important," he argued. "More important." He tugged at my wrist, causing my feet to still so that he could turn my body around to face him. "I'm not going back on shift until you know everything that you want to know about Bennett, Adelaide," he pleaded, watching me attentively as he waited for a response. I couldn't deny that I was desperate to find out more surrounding Bennett, that was evident, I just wanted entirely sure if I was ready.

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