"Yes but only for a few hours and then I will be back to watch you this evening while mommy goes to a photo shoot." I assured her.

"Promise?" She pulls back in my arms and holds a pinkie up, looking me in the eyes. I couldn't say no even if I wanted to.

"I promise." I smile, locking our pinkies together. She smiles and lays her head back on my shoulder.

She still has no idea I'm her daddy and I'm thinking I should tell her soon. This is ridiculously hard when it shouldn't be. Will she be disappointed that I am her daddy? Will she hate me because I was never there?

All of this thinking makes me worried. Instead of thinking about that, I walk into Ariana's room and look at her for a few seconds before calling out her name. "Ariana."

Her eyes open and I instantly feel bad for waking her up. She's been awake for so long because she's been worried about Delaney.

She groans and turns over, away from me. "Ariana, I'm leaving soon. It's almost 1pm."

"I'm so," She yawns. "Tired."

"I know, love. But don't you need to be somewhere around 5pm?" I questioned. She turns look at me.

"That's nearly 4 hours away, Zayn." She whines and I chuckle.

"Yeah but girls take forever to get ready." I responded, smiling at the flat look she gives me.

"They do my hair and make-up for me when I get there. Basically all I need to do is shower and then be there." She replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry for waking you." I said, bummed that I ruined her sleeping time.

"It's okay. You said you were leaving soon?" She asked and I nod. "I should be getting up anyways. When did Delaney wake up?"

She looks at her in my arms. "About 5 minutes ago."

Ariana nods before responding. "Poor thing. She must be exhausted from everything."

"I am." Delaney peeps up.

"Delaney I'm going to sit you down for a second, okay?" I informed her and she whines.

"No." She begged and grips onto me.

"Sweetie, I need to call my mates." I said and she whines again, gripping me even harder.

"I'm comfortable."

"I know but you need to let go for a few minutes, okay?"


"Delaney Grace, let go, now." Ariana said, sternly. I have to admit, her stern voice is sexy. Is that weird?

"But mommy--"

"No Delaney, let go now."

Delaney huffs and legs go. I place her on her bottom on Ariana's bed. Delaney sends me an ugly glare and I roll my eyes. I kneel down to her height and grab a hold of her chin, softly.

"Little girls don't always get what the want." I said, smoothly. Her frown deepens and she looks at her palms. I stand back up and look at Ariana. She sends me an apologetic smile and I pull put my phone.


I have to be at the interview in 10 minutes and it's nearly 20 minutes away. Fantastic.

I send a quick text to Liam.

*I'll be a little late! Sorry! Traffic.*

I understand that I did just lie but it was for my sake. I don't need Liam's shit when I get there.

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