Chapter 38: Take It

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"Do you have a free hand?" I ask Cole. He nods, and with a large box in his left hand, and another small one in his right, he put's the smaller one on top of the big one and opens the door for me, because I have two large boxes stacked on top on each other.

We have to move all of my stuff from my apartment bought by the Wild franchise for my internship. The internship ended a month ago, but the management let us stay until the end of July. Cole's helping me move everything into his apartment because a lot of it will just be moved back here in May after my senior year exams. Cole will keep it in one of our guest rooms, then I'll decide what I want to do with it.

We set the last of the boxes in the guest bedroom, and my phone starts to ring. I take it out of my pocket see it Maria.

"Hello", I say cheerfully to her.

"Hi, Meredith. I was wondering if you could come into the stadium and talk to me? It's really important. I can't really ask you over the phone".

"Uh, yeah. I can be there in like half an hour. You just want me to go to your office?"

"No, I'm in the conference room right now trying to find some peace and quiet from some construction thing going on outside my window. I'll be here".

"Okay. I'll be over shortly", I say. The line goes dead and I put my shove my phone back in my pocket.

"What was that about?" Cole asks me. I motion for him to follow me into our room.

"Maria wants me to go into the stadium to talk to her. I'm just going to change quick and then head over. You can come with me if you want, but I don't see how it would be much fun for you".

"I have nothing better to do. I'll come", Cole replies, then changes himself.

I put on a pair of white pants, a peach colored blouse, and a black pullover to go with it. I braid my hair so it doesn't look like a mess. Cole puts on a pair of jeans and a plain blue shirt. I grab my purse and Cole grabs his house keys, storing them in my purse for safekeeping.

We walk down the street and into the stadium. Cole and I walk into the conference room, and I look around for just Maria, but instead, I see Maria, Vince, Coach Boudreau, and Chuck Fletcher. I stop for a moment and look around at them. They all watch me.

"Meredith. Please have a seat", Boudreau starts. "Cole, good to see you".

"What's this about?" I ask them, looking over at Maria.

"Meredith, we want to offer you a permanent position on this team", Fletcher, the General Manager, says to me calmly.

"Sir, I have to finish college", I say confused to them.

Vince chuckles. "You would transfer your transcripts over to Concordia University, and take two or three classes there, then work the rest of the time here. You will graduate next May from Concordia, then start your full time job here at the stadium when next season starts".

"So, I wouldn't have any relation to U of Maine? I mean, this is an amazing opportunity, but I love Maine", I say.

The four of them think for a minute. Fletcher finally says something. "Well, you could go back to Maine, then apply for the internship again, but it's not guaranteed you would come back to our team. If you want to stay, and you want a guaranteed job right after college, I would suggest transferring. But, it's your decision".

"Don't I have to apply to Concordia? That would put me as starting my senior year second semester, wouldn't it?"

"Meredith, calm down", Maria laughs a little. "The Wild has an affiliation with Concordia, if we want someone to start an education with them, then it will happen. You don't have to apply. All you would have to do is say yes today, and your classes would start in August. It's that simple. We just want to know if you would do it or not. I would love to work with you again this season, and many seasons after. Please, just say yes".

I look over at Cole, who's watching me. He smiles at me, and gives me a wink. His hand grasps mine, giving it a squeeze.

"I'm sorry, I just have to go over this one more time. I transfer to Concordia, which I would already be enrolled in because I work for the team. I take a few classes at the college, but I will also work here. I graduate from Concordia, and this will then be my full time job", the four of them nod at each thing.

"Don't feel like you have to do this. It's just an idea. You can come live with me full time, and we'll never have to be apart again. I was the final say for them to ask you. I thought this was an opportunity you would never pass up", Cole says quietly to me.

I consider my final thoughts, look at Cole, then at Maria, Mr. Fletcher, Coach, and Vince. I smile at them, and they don't even have to hear my answer for them to know it.

"Of course I'll do it".

Counting Down The Days (Counting on Hockey #3)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें