Chapter 25: I'm Done With You

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"Where the hell are you?" Peter yells into the phone as I walk out into the hallway.

"Don't start with me", I yell right back. "You haven't talked to me in almost a month, and now you're so concerned. For your information, I'm in Boston, because Noah was hit by a car. So, I'm sorry you're being a d!€k, but all you have to do is ask. Or ask Aiden, or are you too jealous, to ask him where I am?"

"What is your problem?" He takes a huffy breath. "Oh wait, I know. You're a preppy daddy's girl who gets whatever the hell she wants, including two NHL players. I don't really think you're telling me the truth right now. You just went to see Noah because you missed him. I never realized I was your last pick, but I should have known, considering you only have guy friends. I was just your rebound".

"What the hell are you talking about? You are such an immature a$$. I'm sorry you are so immature that you don't believe me, when I tell you my best friend was hit by a car. Why would I lie about that? But fine, if you don't believe me, we're done. I've wanted to do this the minute you got mad when Cole dropped boxes off at my apartment when we moved. So, goodbye Peter. See you when I get home, but do not, and I mean do not, come near me when I get back". I hang up the phone.

Putting a smile on my face, I walk back into Noah's room. His smile disappeared, and his expression is upset. I look down at the phone in my hand, then back up at Noah. "It was nothing. I'm fine", my voice cracks.

"Come sit here", Noah pats the other side of the bed. I walk slowly, my shoes squeaking on the floor. My legs hang over the side of the bed. "You still love him, don't you?" I nod. He wasn't talking about Peter, he was talking about Cole.

"I can't do anything, because I just have to move back here in July, then we would start the long distance thing all over again. It's not going to happen", I say to him.

Noah rubs my back. "But you want it to, I can see it in your eyes", I giggle. "Don't push him away. Let it happen naturally, and if anything goes well, let it. In the words of your favorite band, let it be".

I give Noah an I'm impressed glance. "You pay attention?"

"Well, yeah. If something is interesting to you, I take interest in it too. I may not be a fan of it, but I'm okay with it because you are". I laugh at his response.

"Noah Travis Smith, why are you so amazing? I mean, you have literally helped me through everything in the past five years. Even when your best friend, who you knew for more than fifteen years, dumped me, and you took my side in it".

"I'm just that good", Noah says nonchalantly. I laugh again.

"Hey Bud, what's going on?" We hear someone say from the doorway. Noah and I both turn to see some of Noah's teammates. Jake DeBrusk, Adam McQuaid, Frank Vatrano, and Jeremy Lauzon all stand in the doorway with smiles on their faces.

"Oh, just trying to heal a broken rib and shoulder, and a brain bleed, but other than that, not much", Noah replies sarcastically.

"Oh good, so you're free", Jake responds. The four of them walk into the room, each of them greet me with a 'hello' and then they start to talk to Noah.

I listen for a while, when Mr. and Mrs. Smith walk in and see the team sitting with Noah, they watch silently. I excuse myself from the five of them, and walk out with Mr. and Mrs. Smith.

"Meredith, I want to ask you something, and please answer me honestly", Mrs. Smith says to me as I walk out with her and Mr. Smith. "Do you have attracted feelings to my son?"

I look at her, horrified, for a moment, then shake my head vigorously. "Oh my goodness, no, Mrs. Smith. Noah is just my best friend, nothing more. Wait, do you want me to?"

"Well, it just kind of seems like he's never had a girlfriend because he loves you too much, and in that term of love, I mean that you are so much his beat friend, he thinks of you as the girl in his life. He's only ever had one girlfriend, and I was thinking that if you did have feelings for him, maybe you two would, you know.....", she tapers off.

I walk with her silently, stunned. "Uh, Mrs. Smith, I'm honored that you think I'm good enough for your son, but I don't think he's ever thought of me in that way. I mean, he told me he did right in the beginning when I met him five years ago, but it disappeared when we got to know each other, and he said he would rather keep me around as a best friend, rather than something happen to us if we were to date, plus Cole and I were together when he actually told me about it".

"Okay, Mere, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to push anything on you, I just thought I should ask if you two were to have a future together. I mean, I shouldn't even be thinking about this right now, my only son is in a hospital bed, after getting hit by a car in the middle of the city. I shouldn't be thinking about my son's love life", Mrs. Smith starts a nervous laugh as she finishes talking.

Now that I'm not with Cole, Noah has kind of been acting different. What am I suppose to think?

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