Chapter 12: He's Back

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"Oh Tazer", I singsong out as I arrive on the floor of his hotel in Boston. All of the doors are open on the floor.

He pops his head out of his door. Patrick Kane pops out from a few feet behind him. "Over here", he yells out.

I rush down the hotel hallway and into the room that he was in. Patrick and Jonathan rush around their room, putting one thing one place, and another thing another place. I sit on the closer of the two beds and watched them for a second.

At the same time, as if on cue, they both stop and turn to me. I play a smile on my face. "Hi Mere", Jonathan says to me.

"Hello Mr. Toews. Mr. Kane. How are you on this fine day?" I say to them.

"Very well", Jonathan replies.

"Peachy keen, jelly bean", Patrick chuckles.

"You called me down here. What are we doing today?" I ask as they go back to their unpacking.

"Well, first I want to hear why you didn't tell me that you applied for the NHL internship. I could have gotten you back to Chicago", Jonathan says to me. I laugh a little.

"Before you get mad at me", I start, smiling at him, "I didn't apply for it. Noah did it for me and the acceptance letter came in a few weeks ago. My friend, Peter Lennon, also got an internship at the Wild with me. I-" Jonathan cuts me off.

"Wait, your internship is for the Wild", Patrick and Jonathan blurt out at the same time. "Have you thought this through?"

The two of them sit down, one on Patrick's bed, the other in the chair in the corner of the room.

"Yes, as a matter of fact, I have", I start, answering his question. "I thought very hard about this, and the best option I could come up with is acting professional if I see him, and hope he does the same".

"You are one brave young thing", Jonathan smiles. "If I had to work with Lindsay one more time, I think I would put my professionalism away and just have another worthless fight with her".

"I would probably do the same thing with Amanda if we were to break up", Patrick says.

"Okay, enough talking about exes, and fighting. I came down to Boston to watch practically my entire family play hockey, and have some fun. What are we doing today?" I ask them. We all look at each other for a second.

"Let's go annoy my sister", Jonathan jokes.

"Let's go annoy the Bruins", Patrick winks at me.

"Let's go annoy the rest of your team", I say to them.

"I like that idea", Jonathan nods.

"That wouldn't hurt, would it?" Patrick chimes in.

We head into the hallway and down to the left. Jonathan stops in front of an open door, and peaks his head in. He motions us in. Jonathan leads Patrick and I in quietly to the dark room. From the hallway light, I see a mass on one of the beds. I look around for a moment, and see that its Crawford's room. Perfect.

"He's sleeping", Patrick questions. I give him an evil nod.

"Go get him", Jonathan whispers.

I skip/run through the room, then jump onto the bed. I push myself up and down, jumping on Corey. I stop after a second as he stirs from his sleep and looks up at me. "Short stack", he mumbles, still under the covers.

Before I can start to jump again, his arm wraps around my waist and pulls me onto the bed. I lay next to him, our faces just inches away from each other. All four of us in the room are laughing hysterically by now, and Corey is completely awake.

I sit from the bed, and fix my newly messed up hair. Corey turns on the lamp next to him and I move to the edge of the bed.

"What in the world is going on here?" a voice asks from the open door. All of us turn to him.

"Oh my god", Jonathan, Patrick, and Corey all gasp. Corey shuffles off the bed.

Realization hits me. "Sharpy", I gasp.

He hold his hands away from his body and does a three-sixty. "In the flesh".

"How you doin' buddy?" Jonathan walks up to Patrick Sharp and their arms wrap around each other. They slap each others backs a few times before they move away from each other.

"Patrick Junior", Sharpy laughs as he looks over at Patrick Kane. They participate in the same kind of hug as just a moment ago.

Corey rushes over to them and joins in to the side of the hug. Patrick moves away, and Sharpy and Corey share a hug. They move away from each other.

Sharpy looks around the room, and turns on another lamp to the side of him, then looks around again. His eyes land on me. I smile at him. His eyes fill with realization.

"If it isn't the Adam's pride and soul. Miss Mere, how are yu'?"

"I'm doing pretty good, how about you? How come you're here? Boston is a little far from Dallas", I laugh.

"I thought I should come up to see how the team that crumbled under my absence. I have the next few days off before practice starts up again", he smirks at the guys. I giggle for a second.

Everybody is quiet for a moment, until Patrick Kane looks around at us, then says. "We aren't going to stand here all day. Corey go take a goddamn shower, we are going out on the town", he laughs.

"Okay, fine. Give me five minutes", Corey rushes into the bathroom and shuts the door. We listen to the water turn on, and we leave his room so he can have at least some privacy. Jonathan walks us into his and Kane's room. I sit on the bed, sitting very close to Jonathan. His hand is propping him up from right behind me. I lean myself against his shoulder lightly.

Corey walks into the room a few minutes later and I grab my purse from the side of Jonathan's bed. I text Noah to make sure he's up, and he is. I tell him I'm going out with a few of the guys from the Hawks and he says that he is going for his morning skate and should be back around two.

Here goes another fun day on the town with some good, fun family friends.

Counting Down The Days (Counting on Hockey #3)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant