||Chapter 6||

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When I finished writing it I placed it on the table and then I heard a knock on the door.I went and opened it revealed Jackson.He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"You look beautiful by the way"He told me and I blushed.

"You don't look so bad yourself"I chuckled and so did he.He was wearing a blue tank top with white shorts and blue vans.He also had a bandana on.

"Ready"he said.I nodded and said.



Before we left I noticed she was holding a penny board in her hand.I took it away from her and put it aside and then dragged her outside.When we stopped,I let go off her arm and smiled.She just glared at me and said.

"Why the hell did you take my penny board!?"I chuckled a little at her.

"Well gorgeous I've got a car so we're taking it"I smirked at her.She just rolled her eyes trying not laugh and got inside the car as I unlocked it.

"Well where do you wanna go?"I asked her as I drove.

"Uh..I was thinking we could walk on the beach and get to know each other better"she said with a cute smile.

"Sounds like a plan"I said keeping my eyes on the road.The car ride was quite until we arrived to the beach.


Once we arrived to the beach we got out from the car and started walking.We walked in silence for a while until she broke it.

"So tell me a little about yourself?"

"What do you wanna know"

She started thinking a little and then said.

"Well like uh..um.."I laughed at her cluelessness."Hey"she slapped my arm playfully"What are you laughing at?"she made a pouty face as she laughed a little.

"No seriously tell me something.Anything about you"Maya said letting out a little giggle at the end.

"Well my name is Jackson Beach I have two brothers and two sisters.I like to penny board and Arizona tea.I'm seventeen years old and I usually hang out with my other friend Dan.What about you?"I asked her as she looked down a little and then started talking.

"Well my name is Maya Hart I live with my mother,no siblings or dad"she whispered the last part and continued"I also like to penny board and draw,I always hang out with my two best friends farkle and Riley and I turned seventeen yesterday"She said letting out a small smile.

"Oh I figured your birthday was yesterday so I got you a little something"I said taking a little box out.I gave it to her and smiled."It's not much but I hope you like it"

She looked at the box then at me."Jack you shouldn't have got me anything really"

She opened the note first and read it out loud.

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