||Chapter 5||

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"Oh Maya,Happy Birthday!"I turned around to face him and smiled.He smiled back.

"Thank you,Lucas"I said as I leaned closer to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Goodnight Maya"

"Night Lucas"

I said as I looked at the clock one last time and it was already 12 o'clock,and then without noticing I drifted into a deep sleep with Lucas' arms around me smiling a real smile.


I woke up on something comfortable and then all the scenes of last night came flooding into my head.I tried to get out but Lucas' strong hands kept me from getting up.

"Lucas"I say shaking him a little.He just groaned.

"Lucassss!!Wake up I need to get up"He still didn't open his eyes so I turned around and faced him.He pulled me closer.I just giggled."Luckey wakey"

"Stay don't go I'm comfortable right now"I chuckled at his answer.

"Lucas I need to leave before my mom finds out I'm not home'I told him.Well yeah my mom comes at 6 in the morning today but she doesn't pass to my room cause she gets to tired and I respect that and all but sometimes I just wish I have sometime with her.

"I already called your mom and told her that you are staying at your friends house"he lied.

"First of all you didn't text my mom cause you don't have her number and you couldn't text on my phone cause it's dead and second if you texted her she wouldn't believe you cause Riley is in a family dinner all night."I sassed.It felt good.

He looked at me eyes wide open because I just sassed at him.He looked embarrassed so he looked down.Then he looked back up and told me.

"Well can't you at least eat breakfast here"He said with hope in his eyes.I looked down and smiled in the fact that he wanted me to stay with him so I accepted.

"Sure but after that I need to go"He nodded and went downstairs to prepare the food.I stayed upstairs cause I had to use the bathroom.Before I went into the bathroom I plugged my phone into the charger.When I changed brushed my teeth and washed my face I went out from the bathroom and went on my phone for a little while.I then remembered that Jackson gave me his number so I put it in my contact as.


I the took my phone off the charger it had 51%.I then went downstairs and we greeted by the nice aroma of bacon and eggs.I was surprised that Lucas can cook.I can't ven make coffee or toast without burning the house.

"Umm..something smells good"I said as I sat down.He just looked at me and smirked and passed me a plate full of eggs and bacon and it tasted am.az.ing!!

This kid isn't just good looking he can cook!

"Why thank you"he said while smirking even wider than before.

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