Chapter Nine ~ The Four Girls

Start from the beginning

            My thoughts were broken by a girls scream in my ear, and I realized that we were walking through the crowd of girls. How could I have forgotten that?

“Hi, hi everyone. Hi.” I said to the fans that I was walking by. Hands kept touching my arms, and even my legs as I walked by. I kept hearing my name being screamed by guys and girls. They all had accents, but I don’t know what they’re called. I mean, is there a name for a Spaniards accent. Well, probably a Spanish accent…but oh well.

            We finally made it onto the plane, where we were brought to first class. I would have been fine with sitting couch, but their cookies are so good it’s hard to resist. Last time, I brought home two without them knowing. I know, I’m such a badass.

“Okay, that was crazy.” Caitlin laughed, sitting down on my left. Julie was on my right, already getting ready to take a nap. She loves to sleep on planes, I don’t know why.

            As the plane started to move, I got nauseas. I hate getting nauseas on planes. It’s the worst thing in the world. I called for a flight attendant and asked for some of those pills. She came back within a few minutes and gave me the pills. Unfortunately there the type that makes me drowsy. SO within a few minutes, I was fast asleep.    


            I woke up eight hours later, and we have a few more hours to go. I texted Niall, asking him how he’s doing. We continued to text for another few hours, but when the plane started to land I had to turn my phone off. I woke up Caitlin and Julie, who got really excited about landing soon. Our tour in America starts off in New York, so while we are there we are going to visit Caitlin’s family. And when we hit Maine and Colorado we are going to visit mine and Julie’s family.

“I’m still tired.” Caitlin mumbled. I can’t believe she slept the whole dang time, I mean that’s got to be a new record. Zayn should be worried.

“C’mon let’s go sleepy head.” I laughed, standing up. We made it to the luggage claim without anyone noticing us. But then again we put on oversized hoodies and sunglasses. The hoodie I am wearing is Niall’s, just so you know.

            We were walking towards the exit when I saw them. I dropped my suitcase and ran towards the four girl I have come to know and love.

“Liz!” Jade said, spotting me. I ran into her and gave her a huge hug.

“What are you guys doing here?” I asked, hugging Leigh-Anne. She laughed and spun me around as Perrie answered.

“Well we knew you were coming in, so we thought that we should surprise you.” Julie hugged Jade while Caitlin was in Jesy’s arms. I let go of Leigh-Anne and hugged Perrie. Once our hug was over I hugged Jesy, and Julie and Caitlin finished up our hugs.

“Well we are surprised. God, I missed you girls a lot.” Julie laughed. They aw’d and brought us all into a big group hug.

            We immediately jumped into the latest gossip, something about Justin Bieber. I wasn’t paying much attention because my suitcase was being stupid and having trouble wheeling around. Oh well. I’ll just listen.

            They picked us up in one of the car’s they took from their management in America, so we ditched the limo that was sent for us. However we didn’t escape fans. They made us run a little bit, and by the time we got to their car I was panting like a maniac.

“So how long are you going to be in America?” I asked, buckling up. Jesy was up in the front driving, and Julie was with her. Jade and I were in the middle, and Perrie, Leigh-Anne and Caitlin were in the back. Since Caitlin is the smallest, she was in the middle seat of the back seat.

“About as long as you are. We’re on tour with Demi and Fifth Harmony, but you know that, so it’s pretty cool.” Jade answered. I nodded my head as Perrie spoke up.

“So Zayn told me that Niall flew out to see you? Get any action?” She said, teasing at the last part. I blushed and shook my head, avoiding those thoughts from coming into my head. I glared at them as they all laughed at me. They think I’m stupid for waiting till I’m married. Oh well, when they all get knocked up they better not come crying to me.

“What about you and Zayn, hmm?” I said, wiggling my eyebrows at her.

“Not since the last time I saw him.” She said, laughing. Leigh-Anne pretended to hurl while we all cracked up.

“Eh, girls I’m driving. Stop making my laugh or else we’ll end up dead. And then none of us will be getting any action.” Jesy said, making us all laugh harder. It’s hard to believe how much I missed these girls.

“Omigod, do you want to know something cool. We are both girl groups that got put together on the X Factor and won.” I said, looking around at the six girls.

“Dude…you’re right. That’s sick.” Caitlin said.

“Liz, Perrie, if you get into a fight with Zayn or Niall just be like, ‘Well at least I won the X Factor’.” Julie said, laughing.

“I saw that on Facebook.” I laughed.

“Omigod, I’m going to do that!” Perrie joked, laughing even harder. I swear, if I don’t stop laughing I think I’ll pee myself. And these are my favorite sweatpants.

            We all continued to goof off until we came to the hotel the girls were staying at for now. Jesy told us that Demi was supposed to be in there. I jumped out of the car, wanting to see Demi. I haven’t seen her in such a long time.

            Julie and Caitlin followed me, while I heard Jade complaining about how they have to take in our suitcases and stuff. Oh well.

            As soon as we walked into the hotel, we saw Demi. She was checking into the hotel I guess, so I shushed Julie and Caitlin. We quietly snuck up behind her and then all yelled ‘Boo’. She screamed a little, sending us into hysterics.

“Girls!” Demi said, seeing it was us. I continued to laugh as she brought me into a hug, and then Julie and Caitlin.

“How are you?” She asked, smiling.

“Great, what about you? How’s the Neon Lights tour?” Caitlin asked.

“So much fun. How’s your tour going?” That sparked an interesting conversation, which continued all the way up to her room. Perrie, Jade, Jesy and Leigh-Anne joined us as well, and they were nice enough to bring our luggage. I love these girls.

            It was about midnight when we went to our room, which was already reserved by Dylan. It was a pretty big room, but there were only two beds. Caitlin and I ended up sharing the bed, Julie wasn’t in a cuddling mood.

            I don’t get how someone could be in a non-cuddling mood. It’s just sad to be honest. But oh well, her loss.

            After changing into my pajamas, which was just a tank top and the same sweats I wore on the plane, I got into bed. Caitlin turned on the TV and sat down next to me while Julie was out like a light on her bed.

“ G‘night.” I mumbled, snuggling up to Caitlin. She chuckled and said goodnight, lowering the volume a little so I could sleep. It only took a few minutes to fall asleep.


Okay, sucky ending but I think the chapter was pretty good. Who else enjoyed Little Mix being in there? I did. I love those girls so much, and their new album Salute is so, so, so good. Sorry, fangirled a little.

Ha, that’s like me with One Direction…opps drooled a little on my keyboard. Haha XD

So please VOTE and COMMENT my lil’ Gummy Worms!


--The pic on the side is Little Mix! I love 'em!

P.s. I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who’s read this book and Jay Cee El! I looked at the last chapter, and it was 7 votes! Ah, I know that doesn’t seem like a lot, but it is to me. And I love you guys all so much for voting and stuff. I love you gummy worms!!!! <3 <3

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