Chapter Thirty-Five

Start from the beginning

Darla pouted, turning her eyes back to the people in the van with her uncle.

Her father did the same and was frowning with wide eyes when the main man cursed, "God damn it! Come on, kid!"

Nathan swallowed, turning around and motioned at Adam to take Darla from him. She willingly went into her uncle's arms, still staring at the ambulance.

Nathan stepped closer, his eyes frantically reading the expressions on the medics and not liking what he was picking up on. His fists clenched at his sides, eyes blurring at hearing the main medic in the middle of shouting, "--losing him! We're losing him!"

There was no way that Nathan could go on with Chambers. He needed his baby brother with him. He needed to hold that kid and tell him how much Nathan loved him for being the beautiful person he was. Nathan wanted to hold his brother and thank him for always being the one to keep his daughter safe.

Nathan knew that Chambers needed to survive. He just had to. Because Darla needed her uncle.

"He's not going to die."

Nathan's head snapped to his left frowning when he heard someone speak. His face softened seeing Sophie staring at the ambulance. She didn't look at Nathan. She just kept focusing on the man in the ambulance fighting for his life.

Nathan parted his lips to say something, more question Sophie on how she knew that. As if she read his mind, the brunette's gray eyes stared straight ahead and answered him with a forced strong tone.

"I haven't lost hope yet... his heart is still beating..."

He lowered a brow hearing this. He looked down, studying the dark pavement as he thought over Sophie's words. It struck him that the brunette was talking about his brother being hope. That was what she meant that she hadn't lost hope yet. Because the medics were still doing everything they could to save Chambers.

Sophie crossed her arms tightly in front of her, biting her bottom lip. She swallowed, refusing to listen to the medic man still shouting that they were losing Chambers. She shook her head to herself, mumbling that 'no they weren't'.

"He's going to make it... he's going to make it... He has to make it..."

She didn't even feel when Nathan stepped closer to her or feel when he tugged her against his side, nor did she know when she wrapped her arms around Nathan's waist and rested her head against his chest. But welcomed it no less.

Sophie kept her eyes on Chambers, her grip on his brother tightening.

Then there was that split moment she had to be the stronger between she and Nathan, holding the man up who had gone limp when the cardiac machine flat-lined loudly.

It seemed a lot louder than necessary, like it was intentionally echoing throughout the property over to them to rub it in their faces that Chambers' heart stopped.

Sophie clenched her jaw, her eyes blurring with tears at hearing Nathan's gasped sobs, but she refused--she refused--to believe that Chambers was dead. She just kept repeatedly chanting in her head to him to not let go.

She scrunched her nose, muttering, "Cham, you pain in the ass... don't give up... please don't give up."

Back in the ambulance, one of the medics sighed, "Adrian, do I call time--?"

"Get me the defibrillator!" the main man, Adrian, snapped at the man.

He shook his head, ordering them to do as he said when the other man sighed that the kid was gone. Adrian simply pointed at the female who had spoken to the group before and ordered her to get the machine he needed. She nodded, quickly turning and opening a cabinet where the small machine was located.

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