Chapter Twenty-Eight

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It was almost six-thirty when the front door creaked open the next evening.

Sam was in the kitchen trying to rummage one of his strange concoctions of a sandwich together and slip back to his post before Carter or Jennings caught him leaving the front door unguarded. He was chewing on the large bite he took; holding the plate in one hand and a glass of juice in the other, making his way back to the kitchen door when Sam froze wide eyed at hearing the front door click close.

He used his shoulder to nudge the door open and stared with his mouth dropped when seeing his partner looking at the chair that hadn't moved from beside the door. Her nose wrinkled, brows furrowed, and her gray eyes narrowed as she kept staring at it.


Sophie blinked, turning her head with brows raised at the mention of her name. She glanced at the plate of food and drink in his hands, then looked back up at Sam's dreaded expression.

Frowning, the brunette's lip curled, leaning her head forward and asked what the hell was wrong with Sam.And as if on cue, hearing her voice, the other three USWAT members and Nathan had emerged from different parts of the house with their weapons raised. Each had their gun raised in front of them, head leaned downward with eyes narrowed in on their startled target.

Sam turned his head from side-to-side at the others, then stared back at his partner who was narrowing her eyes suspiciously. Sophie moved the white grocery bags from her right hand to her left before shrugging, "What the hell are you guys doing?"

"Sophie, put the bag on the floor and hands behind your head," Carter ordered, not bothering to answer her. His hazel eyes kept his eyes on her, prepping his peripheral vision for any other movement on her end other than what he specified of her.

Sophie raised her brows, leaning her head forward, "What?"

She blinked a few times, staring at the lot in front of her as they took one cautious step towards her. Sophie wrinkled her nose, frowning,"What is going on?"

She motioned to the guns in their hands and scoffed, "And why are you pointing those at me?!"

No one answered.

The USWAT team glanced at one another--other than Carter and Nathan who kept their gaze on their target--, dreading for the worse if Sophie didn't do as she was told. Jennings swallowed, lowering a brow and tried to strengthen her voice as she repeated Carter's order to the other woman.

When Sophie kept asking why, Jennings took it as if she was stalling and made her tone more forceful, her eyes glaring at the brunette.

"Sophie... put the bags down... and put your hands... behind your head!" The blonde's grip on her gun tightened at the insulted look Sophie was giving her.

Sophie scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head slowly as she muttered to herself, "Ridiculous!" but then tossed the bags in her hand on the floor, glaring at every single one of them as she angrily placed her hands behind her head.

Staring at them and their surprised faces at how easily cooperative she was being, Sophie huffed, "Would someone tell me what the hell is going on?! What is this? Some new tactic we are practicing?!"

She raised her brows, leaning her head with her hands forward, that she missed the memo. Carter kept his gun out, moving slowly to the middle of the room beside Sam, telling him to pat Sophie down and remove all her weapons. Sam turned to Carter, lowering a brow at the man who took a few seconds to give the platinum blonde a look that reminded him that he was just given an order.

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