Chapter Twenty-Eight

Start from the beginning

His gray eyes went back to Sophie's and sighed, closing his eyes, walking over with a shake of his head. He glanced at Sophie but she was still glaring straight ahead at the rest of them. Only her flaming eyes were moving from Mikey at one end until she got all the way to Nathan on the other.

Sophie looked down, frowning at the pile of her knives and gun in Sam's arms before he walked back over to the others. He kept his eyes down, his jaw tightening shamefully.

"Now that I'm practically naked," Sophie sneered, "Why don't you guys tell me what is up your asses?"

But again, her questions went unanswered.

Jennings told Sophie to kick the bags away from her and get on her knees while keeping her hands behind her head. The brunette frowned, the understanding that something serious was going on setting in rather quickly. Sophie rolled her eyes, turning her body to kick the bags away from her before doing the other command given to her.

Carter and Mikey kept their pistols on Sophie as Jennings quickly went over to the kneeling woman and aggressively grabbed one of Sophie's arm to tug it behind her back before adding the other, handcuffing them together.

"Sophie, you've been categorized as 'Tinker-Tailor'--," Carter frowned, lowering his gun and placing it back into its holster, interrupted in the middle of talking when the brunette's eyes widened, dismayfully crying, "TINKER-TAILOR?! What for?!"

"--therefore, you are being arrested and interrogated until we can resolve this mess. And if perchance you are the mole," Carter narrowed his eyes, watching Sophie still arguing with them that she wasn't a mole, and Jennings having to roughly pull the brunette to her feet.


Sam's pained-surprised expression was ignored by Carter, not giving the blonde a chance to speak on Sophie's behalf as he motioned for Jennings and Mikey to take Sophie to the back of the house, in one of the studies. He stared after them, Sophie shouting that she wasn't a traitor, and that they were all wrong. Carter flicked his eyes over to Nathan whose green eyes were staring after Sophie as well. But his eyes had a different narrow to them than the USWAT leader's.

Nathan blinked, his brows lowering in doubt when Carter asked him what he was thinking. He stared at the blank hallway where he could still hear Sophie's echoing shouting before a door was slammed.

Shaking his head as he scratched lightly at the stubble on his cheek, Nathan let out a long tired breath.

"I don't know, Carter... I'm not sure what I'm thinking... but I did my part."

He looked at his friend, raising his brows and pointed out that since he was no longer part of the underground, Nathan could not sit in the interrogation.

"But I'll do my part of keeping Chambers from going anywhere near it," Nathan offered. He told Carter that it'd be best if his little brother didn't know she was back since they would need all the time with Sophie possible--without her getting distracted. The USWAT leader thought this over, lowering a brow and nodding in agreement. He glanced at Sam standing in the middle of the hallway with Sophie's belongings in his arms and his eyes staring off.


Carter sighed heavily, going over and shaking the blonde's shoulder lightly. Sam frowned at him, shrugging off Carter's hand. The USWAT leader knew that Sam was upset with him, for the way he treated and threatened Sophie, but it was necessary. And Sam knew that, but he was fighting the urge to protect his partner. No matter what.

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