The strawberry blonde giggled, glancing down at where Wes' gun was aimed behind the large table. Her blue eyes took in the long torso man that had kept completely still to this point. As Elena took in the familiar features on the dark haired man on the floor, it took her a moment to reel through the past men that she'd met over the years.

Somehow this man looked rather familiar, but was a college student, and Elena knew that there was no way that she could have ran into anyone her age during the heists that she and the others had gone through the past few years.

So then why did this man look so fucking familiar???

It was when the young man on the floor flicked those interestingly bright green eyes up at the gun aimed at him, and then slightly turned his head from side to side to glance around him for something to defend himself with, that it suddenly clicked for the blonde woman.

Elena blinked, her eyes taking in the drastic, but wonderful changes the past years had done. Her mouth started salivating, and smirked at the way the strong jaw of the college boy's clenched shut. Then there was how his broad, muscled chest breathed heavily; the t-shirt he wore was a snug fit, but there were contours of the muscles underneath it.

Elena's smirk widened and inhaled deeply, tilting her head to the side as she stared at Sophie across the room. The brunette was narrowing her eyes back and forth between she and Wes, and the strawberry-blonde took advantage of an opportunity to make Sophie squirm. She giggled low, turning her body slightly and raised a shoulder, pursing her lips as she looked upward; disregarding the tension that Sophie had now taken on with Elena's out-of-place movements.

"Considering that you are threatening a blast from your past..."

Elena nodded at Wes, in indication, to whom Sophie's eyes flicked back to with her lip curling more, and then pulled her attention back to the strawberry blonde.

Elena could see how the other woman's facial muscles tighten; adding to the tension in the room, but she continued, like nothing was wrong. Straightening her posture and lowering her chin, Elena's blue eyes narrowed with the accompanying of the corner of her lip pulling into a nasty sneer.

"I'd like to mention one thing, Sophia my dear cousin, that I will be completely enthralled in, once I get him all to myself!" she bit, her left brow twitching upward.

She could see the brunette's curiosity of what was meant by those words, but also the wariness from Sophie's face; with the way her brow lowered and her gray eyes narrowed as her head turned away slightly.

Sophie's eyes took a glance over of Wes, and the other criminals, but then returned to Elena. The brunette growled in frustration, scrunching up her face and sighed exasperatedly, shaking her head for Elena to get on with it.

"What the hell are you talking about?!"

Sophie hated when Elena played these stupid mind games. As if it wasn't enough to mention her painful past with Wes, now Elena was throwing in more stupid mentions that the USWAT agent was completely ignorant to.

The blonde smiled widely at the frustration she was receiving; it was a good sign to throw Sophie off balance. But just because Elena knew how much she'd enjoy seeing the look on the brunette's face, she pushed it further.

Leaning forward and tilting her head, Elena licked her lips seductively, "Your boy toy grew up to be quite a divine specimen than I remember."

The satisfying feeling of seeing Sophie's eyes flash with half confusion and half recognition, had Elena cackle.

Sophie kept glaring at the blonde. She blinked a few times, unsure if she had heard correctly. It had been so long since Sophie had heard that phrase "boy toy" but had never forgotten the face associated to the nickname Elena was so fond of. Catching the way the other woman's blue eyes flickered in Wes' direction---even with that nasty grin still on her face---Sophie slowly followed back to Wes, down his arm, past his gun, and found herself staring into familiar green eyes that once belonged to a seventeen year old boy.

Inevitable Fidelity (Book 3 in the Original BOC Series) ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora