I have no idea what's going on between them but I have noticed a bit of tension when I met Zayn and the rest of Harry's friends back at Niall's party but not wanting to sour his mood is rather not ask any questions.

"Are you sure you want to be here?" Harry asks as we walk up to the front door of Zayn's house, his hand laced over mine.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I reply even though I do feel a bit on edge. I shouldn't be scared it's not like his friends will do anything to me but even if they would I know I would be okay with Harry around.

"Damn Ryder, you sure know how to steal a room!" Louis comments once we step into the loud house.

I blush as his blue eyes rack me up and down, holding his arms open and engulfing me into a hug. I feel my body stiffen a little and I find it odd since I have not gotten this way with Harry, but then again I fully trust him.

"Louis." Harry warns beside me.

"Oh shit, sorry." He flusters quickly pulling away from me.

"It's okay." I reply with a small laugh wanting the worry and guilt to disappear from his face.

"Where are the lads?" Harry asks as I feel his arm snake around my waist.

"Living room." Louis replies before turning around while waving us to follow him. As we do my eyes look around towards  all of the party guests.

"Hey," Harry says squeezing my hand to grab my attention. I turn my head and look up at him. "When you want to leave just tell me."

"Leave? But you just got here!" A voice speaks to my other side before feeling an arm drop around my shoulders. I glance up meeting with Zayn's brown eyes.

"Oh, hi." I mutter. He chuckles while taking a swing on his beer.

"Hey," he replies before looking up at Harry giving him a smile and a nod. I feel Harry's arm tighten around me, it was a subtle change but I felt it and a moment after Zayn's arm drops from me. "Why won't you guys go have a seat and I'll bring you guys some drinks."

"Yeah." Harry replies curtly dropping his arm from my waist only to have his hand lace with mine and lead us over to the couches where Liam and Niall were sitting.

"Ryder!" Niall beams once he sees us. "Come and sit with me!"

I giggle and move around the coffee table to sit next to Niall while Harry moved to sit right beside me.

"Hi blondie." I smile, reaching up and ruffling his hair.

"Oi, don't do that!" He smiles leaning away from me, holding his hand up in protest. I roll my eyes.

"That's what you get for not returning my texts." I reply sticking my tongue out at him.

Niall chuckles. "Fair enough."

Harry's POV

"Okay, here are your drinks." Zayn says once he approached Ryder and me holding two bottles of beer up. I eye them suspiciously.

"Is that all you have?" I ask, before flickering my eyes to Liam sitting across from us holding a red cup.

"Mate, what are you drinking?" I ask ignoring Ryder's confused look.

Enticing (Harry Styles AU) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now