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///Jacqlynn's POV///

"Jackie! There you are! What are you-" A bot that was green stopped in his tracks, I think his name is Bulkhead, the wrecker.

"Hey, bulk, um... This is Racerstreak... Or Jacqlynn," Wheeljack pointed at me.

"Oh! Hello, my name is-" I cut him off.

"Bulkhead, wrecker of the Autobots, best friend of who is my worst enemy and I'm supposed to kill on contact, who is also my twin."

He stared at me and cocked his head.

"...Are you a stalker?" He asked.

"No, I was told information about every Autobot member and their allies," I stood straighter and raised my gun again.

"Woah, wait, wait! By who?" Wheeljack held up his hands.

"Ayla, of course, and I will maintain orders and I will kill you as my orders maintain," I pointed the gun at Wheeljack.

"Fine, stay with them, but let me tell you something first!" He said.

"Ok... But make it quick!" I scowled.

"You were a human before, and one of us, after you died on Cybertron by a Decepticon, I guess you were given a human form, by the name of Jacqlynn Esquivel. You had a little brother named Rafael or Raf, he wouldn't want to see you this way, he cares!" He said to me, passionately trying to persuade me.

"Lies! I don't have a family! Except your but that won't last long!" I yelled, firing up my gun.

(A/N: ok my adrenaline is running writing this!!)

I saw him look at me with eyes full of pleading.


My eyes widened as I start to have random flashes of the past.

"Ok, Sunshine,"

I remember ignoring everyone for a while, I remember Jacqlynn 2.0 and taking Raf away from the Autobots.

Then I remember the training and the tight bond I had with Ayla.

But who to choose?

"I- I don't know anymore," I fell to my knees and my gun dropped to my side.

"I can't choose between Ayla and the Decepticons and you and the Autobots," I looked up at him.

"Come back to us, Racer, please."

"No," I smirked, "who needs family when you have power,"

I raised my gun and fired at Wheeljack.

Everything happened in slow motion, his eyes widened and I know his whole life flashed before his eyes.

Too bad I missed.

A/N: ok my introvert self is surrounded my dads friends and I'm sitting in a corner- almost behind my couch- to avoid everyone getting hyped on adrenaline writing a fan fiction... This is what my life has come to.


Also above you see a picture I took while watching Jacksfilms (IDK OK?!) and it showed Hillary dabbing, the dab is dead guys

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Also above you see a picture I took while watching Jacksfilms (IDK OK?!) and it showed Hillary dabbing, the dab is dead guys. If a presidential candidate does a new dance move its dead- Jacks own words.

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