Silent treatment

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We have been flying for an hour and I haven't talked to Wheeljack. He keeps trying but I don't say anything.

"Hey kid, look, we are over some mountains," I don't say anything.

I felt in my pocket and found my headphones, which I plugged into my phone. I listened to my favorite song. The volume was all the way up.

The song was on replay, I just staring out to window.

I saw in the corner of my eye Wheeljack was trying to talk to me, in case it wasn't obvious, he didn't know my phone was blaring music so I couldn't hear him. 

I looked at him, rolled my eyes, then jumped from the seat I was in and went to his grenade chest and slumped down. 

I saw him press a button and walk towards me, which I knew what he was doing. Trying to talk to me. I  sighed me got up back to the seat. 

Wheeljack has given up. I had won, but he really was the winner, because I still can't go home. 

Sorry I haven't updated! I've been really busy and this chapter is short because I wanted to update but barely had time! 😁 My birthday is also coming soon (first Wednesday of December baby!) so that is also a reason that I won't update; next chapter I'm going to make in Raf's point of view! Bye!

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