Chapter 12

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Eventually, Wendy and I do have to leave.  After our make out session, we laid for another hour or so.  Horses would walk past and she would giggle when their tails or their mouths would brush against her arm.  She was even able to pet one of these wild horses, which would be impressive by anyone’s standards.  We talked some of the time – about anything; other times we just watched the beauty of life.

When we finally did get up, Wendy took her shoes off and sunk her feet into the sandy dunes.  I folded the blankets and clothes and put them in the duffle bag.  Wendy was grinning widely and approaching a beautiful gray spotted horse that was standing by a barren tree.  The horse had his eyes locked on her, but it didn’t seem frightened.  She held a small branch of a bush out to the horse, and he slowly took tentative steps toward her.  Soon, the horse was munching on the bush, and eventually eating grass out of her hand.  Wendy stroked the large gray horse’s neck and nuzzled up to him.

“He’s so sweet Alex,” she exclaimed.  “I didn’t know a wild horse could be so trusting.  I wish I could take him home with me…”

I thought about how she could take him home, if she wanted.  I thought about how I would get her that horse and I would pay for him to be taken care of and I would pay for lessons and anything she wanted.  I thought about how I would take care of her.

Wendy and I walked back to the car together and we kissed before getting in.  Her lips were moist and soft; they tasted like cherries.  Her hands were laced around my neck and mine were at her hips.  I wanted nothing more than to stay like this with her for all of eternity.  I’d only known her for about a week, but I was already head over heels for her.

Now we sit in the car as I drive us home.  My iPhone is plugged in and the loop of all released All Time Low albums is playing.  Wendy and I aren’t talking much, but she’s nodding her head to the music; I’m glad she likes the songs that I put my heart and soul into.  I am silently lip-singing to the words and drumming my fingers on the steering wheel to the beat.  I can’t help but smile to myself as I think about how truly happy I am.

“Sing to me,” Wendy says, looking into my eyes when I glance at her for a moment.  I wonder if she saw me lip-singing.

I pause and deliberate her request – the song is almost over and I wonder if she’s timed it this way on purpose.  I listen to the last few chords of “Guts” before “Remembering Sunday” begins.  This is one of the songs I am most proud of.  I sing.

“He woke up from dreaming and put on his shoes – started making his way past two, in the morning, he hasn’t been sober for days.  Leaning now, into the breeze; remembering Sunday, he falls to his knees.  They had breakfast together, but two eggs don’t last like the feeling of what he needs.  Now this place seems familiar to him: she pulled on his hand with a devilish grin.  She led him upstairs, she led him upstairs, left him dying to get in.”

I hold my breath for a moment and gauge her reaction.  Her bright eyes are plastered to my figure and regarding me with an astounded fascination.  I think she is impressed with me.  I’m a pretty face and a pretty voice, I know this.  I just wish that I was something more sometimes.  I continue the song.

When it comes time for Juliet’s part, I hesitate for a moment…then I sing.

“I’m not coming back.  I’ve done something so terrible.  I’m terrified to speak, but you’d expect that from me.  I’m mixed up, I’ll be blunt.  Now the rain is just washing you out of my hair, and out of my mind.  Keeping an eye on the world; I’m so many thousands of feet off the ground.  I’m over you now, I’m at home in the clouds, and towering over your head.”

“I guess I’ll go home now, I guess I’ll go home now, I guess I’ll go home now.  I guess I’ll go home.”

Wendy stares at me and I take every chance to glance at her without endangering our lives, as I am driving.  I can’t read her expression, but I also don’t want to ask her what she is thinking.  This girl is such a mystery to me…and I love it.  It’s like I’m chasing after her even when she is right in front of me.  I smile to myself as I wonder about this girl that I barely know, but I know so well, all at the same time.

“You wrote that song, Alex,” she finally questions.

“Yes,” I reply.  “Why?”

“I don’t know.”  She seems at a loss for words.  I can tell there is more she wants to say, but she is hesitant.  “How do you do it?  What is that song about?  You write such amazing, heartfelt music sometimes.”

I flash a quick smile at her.  “It’s what I love to do.  This song is mostly about loving a girl, but she leaves.  She has to leave.  Or at least, she thinks that she has to leave.”  I am allowing my mind to run without filter.  “She doesn’t believe in love, and all he wants is a future for them.  A better life.  He wants to give her everything.  I think it overwhelmed her.  So she left me in the night, and never came back.”  I don’t know what else to say to her.  But it’s just dawned on me what I have already said to her.  Much more than I should have.  She didn’t need to hear about my first love.

“Alex I – ”

“Wendy, don’t worry about it.  I’ve moved on from her.  These days, I have my eyes set on someone else.”  A deep blush moves across Wendy’s cheeks as she realizes that I am talking about her.  I blush slightly as well, and smile.

The rest of the way home, Wendy and I chat idly.  She asks to be dropped off at her apartment, and I willingly oblige.  As much as I’d love to bring her back to my place and spend all day with her again – or what is left of the day – I can understand that she has a life outside of me.  I have a life outside of her too, right?  Of course I do: my band.  And at the moment, I should be writing new music for us, for the upcoming album.  I drive back to my house thinking about ideas for new songs: so many things to write about, but so few things that will turn heads and stand out.  I need to sort through things.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:  Hey guys, so I know that my updating has been...nonexistent.  I have been sooooooooo overwhelmed by all of this college applying business.  And then my mom broke my laptop...  I may have updated during that time if I hadn't been halfway through this chapter.  But good news is I have the next chapter finished on my phone and the next one started on there!  Sorry I've been so sucky!  Also, sorry that this chapter isn't quite as good as the last - trying to move slow with this because I looooooove slow love progression shizzz.  ANYWAYS, enjoy!  Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2013 ⏰

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