Chapter 6

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“Hey man!  Where are you?” Jack calls out.

It’s the morning after my night with Wendy and I would rather still be asleep right now.  Why did I give him a key again?  I don’t bother getting up because it’s Jack and really, I couldn’t give a fuck.  He’s in my apartment all the time anyways; it’s basically his house too.  I roll over onto my stomach and try to drown out Jack’s obnoxious voice by holding a pillow to my head.  I feel as though I may be drifting back to sleep, but of course Jack just has to ruin it.

“There you are Alex,” Jack exclaims.  “Man, I thought you were kidnapped or something.  I wouldn’t be surprised if some crazy fangirl had already found you, even though we just got back.  But anyways, time to wake up sleeping beauty.”

I groan.  “Why is it always you waking me up, Jack?”

“Luck, I guess,” Jack replies.  “Just think, the first thing you get to see and hear in the morning is my beautiful face and my spectacular voice.”

I groan and roll over onto my back.  I really love the kid, he’s like a brother, but sometimes, it would be nice to be able to sleep in.  Just once.  But now that Jack is here, I might as well get up and try to waste some of the day until I can see Wendy again.

“I’m getting up now Jack,” I grumble.  “Go get yourself some food while I change.”

“You have cocoa puffs,” Jack asks.

“Of course,” I reply.  He then squeals like a little girl and proceeds to run out of my room and down the stairs towards the kitchen.  Meanwhile, I stumble over towards my dresser and fish out some appropriate clothes to wear for the day: a light and medium blue striped shirt, jeans, and a Glamour Kills hat.  I amble to the bathroom to assess myself before getting dressed.  My hair looks a wreak, but what else is expected when I’ve been frying it – via straightener – half to death for years.  When I’ve finished looking at myself in the mirror, I get my clothes on and make my way to the kitchen, where I’m sure to find Jack.

“Hey man,” Jack mumbles through a mouthful of cocoa puffs.  “So, what are we going to do today?  I am so craving an amusement park or something!  Please can we go out and have fun Lexy?”  Jack can be quite endearing when he wants to be; I can’t help but give in to his pleas.

“Okay Jacky.  We can go out and do something fun.  Any chance we can go get coffee from Starbucks first though?  I really need my caffeine fix before I’m ready to do anything requiring energy,” I chuckle.

“You and your coffee,” Jack replies.  “I swear you would marry it, if that was possible.”  I shove Jack’s shoulder and he mocks injury.  I frown at him, but just grab my keys and we walk to the door.  Before we have the chance to escape, Peyton and Sebastian come running and barking like mad, begging us to bring them along for a walk.  I sigh while Jack chuckles.

“I can never resist them,” I mumble.  I grab two separate leashes, attach them to my dogs, and then hand Sebastian’s over to Jack.  “You can walk Seb, right?”

“Alex, I’m not an idiot.  I know how to walk a dog,” he replies, just slightly insulted.  I laugh.

“Dude, I just don’t want my dog running off from you and getting hit by a car or something.  These dudes are like my children.”  Jack just nods and we walk out of the door together.  I lock it behind me and we make our way down the street.

Eventually we make it to the Starbucks where, I admit, I am hoping to see Wendy.  But to my dismay, she isn’t there.  Regardless, I walk up to the counter and order my usual: a venti caramel macchiato and a chocolate pistachio muffin.  Jack orders a hot chocolate after me; he isn’t a very big coffee fan.  Jack, my dogs, and I walk over to a seat while waiting for our drinks.  As I chomp on my muffin, Peyton stairs at me with his big, brown eyes, begging for some of the muffin.

“I don’t know how you can eat that muffin, man,” Jack says.  “Chocolate and pistachio are just two things that should never be mixed.  Yuck!”

“Whatever Jack, this muffin is the most amazing thing to ever have entered my mouth.”  I snicker a little bit because we both know that’s not entirely true.  After last night, I know that I would much rather have Wendy’s tongue in my mouth again over this muffin.  But Jack doesn’t know about that and I don’t intend to tell him until things become more stable between us.  At this point, I’m not really sure where we stand.  Yes, we shared a few amazing kisses last night, but I still don’t know exactly what it meant to her.  I know what it meant to me.  I can’t wait until I see Wendy again.  I want to feel her lips against mine, her hands in my hair-“

“Venti caramel macchiato for Lexy,” the Starbucks employee shouts out.  “And a grande hot chocolate for Ja-Ja-Jagk,” the girl stumbles over the name Jack asked for us his cup.  If they knew about All Time Low, they might have known the reference; Jack’s clothing line name is JAGK.  I jump up and grab my drink from the counter, along with Jack’s.

“Aw, Lexy,” he croons.  “You’re such a sweetheart!”

I chuckle and reply “anything for you Jacky.”

Jack and I sit and drink our beverages for a while, just talking about what we want to do today to kick off our short time home.  Jack talks about going to the zoo, going to Six Flags, and more.  His excitement makes me smile.  In more ways than just his actual day of birth, Jack is the youngest of all of his; he is so fun loving, always excited, and full of energy.  While it may get annoying sometimes, I hope Jack never loses this quality; he just makes everyone laugh and you can’t help but be happy when he is happy.

“Hello, Alex,” Jack questions.  “Earth to Alex?  Snap out of it dude!”

I store my thoughts away and look to Jack.  “What?”

“I was talking about what we should do today.  What do you think about Six Flags?  It would be so much fun!  We should go tell Rian and Zack right now!”

Jack and I rise from our seats and start the walk back to my house.  Peyton tries to run ahead to catch up with several dogs in front of him, but I don’t allow that.  Jack looks like he just wants to carry Sebastian; he thinks that a dog so small doesn’t even need to be walked.  Little does Jack know that Sebastian would be leaping all over the house if I didn’t take him for at least one walk every day.  Regardless, I still love my dogs however demanding they are.

When we get back to my apartment, Jack rings Rian and Zack; of course they’re in.  As usual, Rian is allowed his plus one: Cassadee Pope, his girlfriend of almost two years.  If any of us had girlfriends, we would invite them along.  However, this isn’t really the case.  As I sit and think about our trip – we plan to leave in an hour – I decide I could text Wendy and as her to come along!

Hi Wendy, Alex here.  Just wondering if you’re doin anythin today!  You should come to six flags with us!  Text me back!  Ps: I had a great time last night (:  I hit the send button.

Jack and I chat for a while until Rian pulls up with Zack and Cassadee.  Wendy still hasn’t answered yet…  I talk the guys into hanging around for another half an hour, just talking and watching TV.  Then I decide I have to leave without her.  We all pile into my Audi SUV and I drive us towards Six Flags.  On the way, we listen to Blink-182, Green Day, Yellowcard, and more; the old stuff that inspired us all to play instruments and form a band in the first place.

When we get to Six Flags, I look at my phone; still no reply from Wendy.  I decide to put it away and have fun with my bros for the rest of the day.


AUTHOR'S NOTE:  I understand this chapter may be a little bit boring because no progress is really made between Alex and Wendy, but I'm a very big fan of taking things slowly.  So I'm going to drag out the beginning chapters a lot.  However, don't worry because, as you'll see, I'm not going to continue going day-by-day like these past few chapters.  A big thanks to anyone who is reading though!  I really appreciate it.  Also, dedication to raeleexo because she commented, voted, and even just read my story.  Thank you so much!!

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