Chapter 8

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I wake up and roll out of bed.  The clock reads 12:20pm.  Wow, I’ve slept half of the day away.  I haven’t even been going to sleep that late, I’m just preoccupied with thoughts of Wendy and I would rather be sleeping than wondering what she is up to.  Apparently she’s been so busy for the past four days that she couldn’t even text me, let alone see me.  I only texted her that once; I don’t want to annoy her and seem so clingy and needy.  After all, I did only just meet the girl.  Although I have been struggling internally with myself to resist just going to her apartment and trying to catch her while see’s there.  I’ve also debated going to the school and trying to find her.  Wow Gaskarth, you really are a stalker I think to myself.

To try to get Wendy off of my mind, I go for a run with my dogs.  Sebastian is always lagging behind, because he’s a pretty small dog, but Peyton loves every minute of it!  He is even begging to keep going when I give in and turn around.  I may have chosen to go for a run, but I’m actually terrible at running, I hate it.  I just feel as if exercising is necessary and this is the only kind of exercise I know how to do.  Sometimes I lift weights, but that doesn’t keep my mind off a certain someone.  God, I miss her like crazy.

I open the door to my apartment and get dragged in by two very hungry dogs.  I pour them breakfast and grab some for myself.  After breakfast – I’ve finally gotten myself some milk for my cereal – I break down and decide to go see if Wendy is home.  I know that I should just give her the space that she needs, but I won’t be able to satisfy myself until I see her again.  Of course…she may be hurt.  Oh god, what if something has happened to her.  She hasn’t even texted me.  So maybe it’s a good thing if I go to see her, not just for myself, but for her.

I herd my dogs into my car and start the drive to Wendy’s.  Sure, this doesn’t help me get my mind off of her, but it does help me to curb my desire to see her.  I don’t even care that I am all sweaty and probably smelly – I haven’t showered in a couple days, whoops.  I hope Wendy doesn’t mind.  Maybe we could even shower together…  Of course not, Gaskarth, try to be realistic.  I try to control my thoughts as I pull into her driveway.

I leap out of the car as soon as it is in park and run up to her door, knocking ferociously on it.  The knocking gets my dogs excited and they begin to bark frantically from inside my car.  I try to hush them and control my own excitement; Wendy has got me head over heels.  While I wait for a silent moment at the door, I look around.  It is clear the Wendy takes care of the lawn and the plants around her apartment.  There are various types of flowers – tulips and pansies and things like that I think – and some shrubs too.  The mailbox at the front of her walkway is painted white with orange accents.  As I am looking around, I notice that the car parked in the driveway last night is gone; I stop bouncing in place.  I am assuming that was her car, which means she is not here right now.  I furiously knock on the door once more, in hopes that I am wrong and she is here, but I receive no answer.  Feeling let down, I walk back to my car alone.  The bounce in my step is gone and I am no longer excited.  I reach my car and my dogs attack me; it seems they did not get the message that my excitement levels have drastically dropped.  I clamber into my car and begin to back out of the small parking lot.  As I back out, I almost crash into a car pulling into the lot.  It’s an older blue Subaru; it’s Wendy’s car.

I put my car in park and jump out as fast as I can.  “Wendy,” I shout!

“What the fuck,” she replies.  “You can’t just back out of the parking lot, asshole.  Who do you think you ar-”  Wendy stops mid-word when she sees that it is me.  “Oh Alex, I am so sorry.  I didn’t realize that was you.  Wait, what are you even doing here,” she spits out.

I smile brightly and my heart is beating a million times a second, but I try to act composed.  Wendy is blushing though.  “Hey Wendy, it’s nice to see you too,” I joke.  “I was just a little worried; you haven’t answered me in a few days…” my voice fades near the end.

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