Chapter 5 - Part 2

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Together, we hop out of the car and walk into Leo’s.  I ask for my usual seat and the hostess knows exactly where that is.  She leads us up the stairs and into the corner by a massive window capturing the most beautiful view of Baltimore.

“Oh my god,” she gasps.  “This is stunning.”  She stares out the window.  For the first time, I’m not caught staring at the wonderful view displayed in the window…I’m staring at Wendy.  Her bronze-tinted skin glows in the sunlight; flecks of red and blond flash in her hair; her hazel eyes glow blue and green and brown all at the same time.

“You are stunning,” I whisper.  I hear her breath catch slightly, but she keeps looking out of the window.  Her foot nudges mine under the table.

“I never knew…” she pauses, closes her eyes, and reopens them.  “I never knew that Baltimore was so beautiful.  From street level…it just seems like the average big city: littered with just the right about of trash, full of stray dogs and cats, and ridden with homeless people.  But from up here…it looks like…like,” she takes a long pause and a breath.  I don’t think she is going to finish her sentence until she whispers “like Neverland.”

The waitress interrupts our moment and I swear silently under my breath.  “Hi, my name is Margret and I’ll be your waitress this afternoon.  Can I start you off with something to drink?”

I look down at the wine list and spot my favorite right away.  I look to Wendy.  “Do you like white wine?”  She nods.  I turn back to our waitress.  “Can we have a bottle of the two-thousand-five Chateau Guiraud?”  She nods as I quickly flash her my license.

“And,” Wendy quickly says, “May I have a glass of water with lemon?”

“Absolutely,” our waitress replies.  “I’ll be back shortly with your drinks and to take your order.”

As she makes her way from the table, I look down at the menu.  As usual, it all looks extremely appetizing.  “What looks good to you,” I ask Wendy.  She looks at me with a worried expression.

“Alex,” she whispers, “It all looks very good but it all looks very expensive as well.  I don’t know if I can afford any of this.”  I snicker a little at her.

“Wendy, we’re on a date.  And I am paying.  Not to sound cocky or anything, but it’s not like money is an issue for me.  Please get whatever you want.”

“Okay,” she says shyly.  “I want the chicken parm.”  I smile at her.  She’s very cute when she’s shy.

Right on cue, our waitress returns.  She gives Wendy her water and pours our wine.  It really is the best wine I have had to date.  “So what can I get you two to eat?  Miss,” she turns her attention to Wendy.

“I’ll have the chicken parm,” Wendy mumbles.

“Very nice choice.  And for you sir,” she turns to me now.

“I’ll have the veal saltimbocca, please.”

“Also a fine choice.  I’ll have those out as soon as possible.  In the meantime, can I get you folks some bread?”

I look to Wendy and she nods a little.  “Yes please.  Thank you very much Margret.”  I smile at her and I see her blush slightly.  Ah yes, the things I can do to women.

While we wait for our food, Wendy and I chatter and munch on bread and laugh and look at the beautiful Baltimore view.  We talk about her school work and my music and just keep the conversation lively.  She’s both a joy to talk to and a joy to look at.  This is possibly the best date I have ever been on.  However, because it is going so well, that also means it flies by.

“Ahhh,” she sighs.  “Alex, it’s almost eight.  I really should get back.”

“Okay.  Let’s go.”  I have already paid the bill – Wendy freaked out when she caught a glance of how expensive it was.  We stand and make our way down the stairs and through the door.  I grab a hold of her hand and she doesn’t resist.  When we get to the car, I open the door for her.

Before she has a chance to get in, I lightly grasp the back of her neck and pull her face towards mine.  Our lips meet and I feel a little spark.  I kiss her gently and she reciprocates.  We kiss like this for a few moments before I decide to put more into it.  I am hungry for more and I flick my tongue against her lips before they part and allow me entrance.  Her tongue moves with mine and I mold my body to hers.  My left hand snakes into her hair and my right arm wraps itself around her body, holding her close to me.  Her arms are wrapped around my neck, holding me close to her.  Her tongue in my mouth is hot and I let out a soft moan.  I never want this kiss to end.

Before I can stop myself I whisper, “Come back to my place.”  She breaks off and opens her eyes, staring right into me.

“Alex…I can’t,” she stutters.  “That’s…that’s not me.  I’m not like that.  I can’t.  I’m,” she pauses, “I’m sorry.”

“No, no don’t be.  I’m sorry.  I wasn’t…this was never a one night stand sort of thing,” I say.  “I wanted to take you out on a date.  I want to get to know you.  I just got very excited while kissing you.  Forgive me.”  I am truly ashamed of myself.  I never wanted her to feel as if I was using her for sex.  Yes, I want her in bed.  But that isn’t what matters the most to me.  “I’ll take you home now,” I say.

She hops in the car and I go around and get in the driver’s seat.  I let her direct me back to her apartment.  When we arrive, she turns to me and smiles as she unbuckles.

“I had a really good time tonight, Alex.”  Her smile is glowing and she looks so beautiful right now.

“So did I Wendy.  Do you have any plans for tomorrow?”  She laughs a little.

“No I don’t.  Can I expect to see you again?”  Her eyes glow in the moonlight and I lean towards her slightly, causing her breath to catch.

“Yes, absolutely.”

We both get out of the car and I walk her to the door.  “I had a great day.”

“So did I Alex.  I’ll be honest, I didn’t expect to have such a good time with you, but I did.  You surprised me.  In more ways than one.”

I lean in and kiss her.  Her back is against the wall and she’s on her tippy-toes to reach my lips.  For a moment, this kiss is just as passionate as our first, but she quickly slows it down and we end with a chaste peck.

“Goodnight,” she whispers in my ear.

“Goodnight,” I reply, although I’m breathless.  Not the sort of breathless where you are huffing and puffing and gasping for air, but the sort of breathless where, for just a moment, you forget how to even breathe.

I walk back to my car and think about the evening on the drive home.  Wendy is so beautiful and I’ve fallen for her.  Her lips taste like raspberries and her mouth is so sweet.  Her beautiful hazel eyes; their green flecks shinning brighter whenever she smiles.  Her straight brown hair dangling by her cheeks; and when she constantly runs a hand through it.  She is so beautiful and she will surely be on my mind for the rest of the night.

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