The Halls of Thranduil

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They were led by the elven prince who would turn his gaze over his shoulder, from time-to-time, observing the company of dwarves and the two women. He led them to the gates of Mirkwood.

And soon to see the great halls underneath the ground, where the king of Mirkwood ruled. Valerie and Lillian were both forced to see the King Thranduil who they didn't want to see. Nor did anyone, they only wanted get themselves out of the nest of this king and back to their quest.

The rest of company was led to the dungeon where they were thrown into the cells. However the King of Mirkwood himself wanted to first speak with the to-be king, Thorin and also with the two women. They were continuing to be led to the open throne room, where the elven king was seated on his throne waiting.

King Thranduil stood, his robes billowing out while he approached the dark haired maiden. Her ears were less pointy than his own and he rolled his eyes giving a little scoff. "So you are the whelp of the mother who disobeyed my order and left to be with a man from the humans." Lillian knew Thranduil was wrong with everything he had just said. Because she knew her parents love for each other was real to the very end. She knew the reason why her mother, in the end, followed her heart and disobeyed Thranduil's order. As he turned into a cold-hearted man who she actually once used to believe in; and saw as a rightful King beside his Queen during the years they ruled over Mirkwood. But as he showed no mercy to the living after the Queen's passing he chose to never again support with all the power he held to help those who suffered, Lillian's mother had no choice but to leave his kingdom.

"To remind you of what she did, she left after the Queen passed and by that your mother broke her promise to her. Walking behind my back and took side with another Lord. And you know what is done to somebody who betrays their King in such ways." He stood tall looking down on the Half-elf who he saw so little of. And so for her mother who he is assuming betrayed him and the Kingdom. He assured her of what he would do with people of his own kin that would betray him. But Lillian didn't fear him, even how much he wanted her to.

"Aye she did, but at least she knew who to follow. A Cowardly King hiding in his castle against a darkness that he can easily beat is not worth any loyalty." Lillian was sharp with her wording and not wanting to show this elf any loyalty from how he treated her mother with so little respect. "My mother was strong to leave this toxic land. My parents followed the person who they felt protected by. Someone who actually are pure by heart, something you lack of." She kept herself from the boiling up with anger that were within her. And she was right. Lord Elrond took in all lives that suffered and helped realms over Middle-Earth. He had allies around Arda, and Thranduil only had his own within his kingdom. "They were weak just like you. The foolish people don't know what will become of themselves." Thranduil hissed between his teeth disgusted by the elf in front of him and her kind of half blood.

"You are destined of the feeling of others! You lack everything as an elf lord!" Lillian did not fear her faith if the truth would behead her, then so be it. She had spoken aloud and made it clear that her words were loud enough for the elf-king's kin to hear.

The king scoffs at her when she had answered, at something he could not defend, as deep down he knew she was right. But never would he admit such a thing. He would never forgive an elf who did such treason, to follow their own hearts desires. Once Lillian's mother was Thranduil's wife's dearest friend and the Queen's first-hand maiden. But when she fell in love with a man from Esgaroth she had told the Queen and shared everything that was on her heart. And the Queen only wanted for her handmaiden to be happy. To live the life she deserved. After the Queen's death, Lillian's mother left Mirkwood for good, to be with the man she loved, which was what the Queen told her not to stay in these halls, but be free. They found a home in Rivendell, Lord Elrond had a good relation with Lillian's father, and open arms for the family to stay. Thranduil knew all about this from his wife who would constantly remind him of how much she cared for her maids. But the elven king only felt it was wrong to be with someone that's not the same blood as theirs.

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