Mountain Trolls

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The Would-be King didn't need to wait long for some action, instead, the Trolls had found out that the ponies were free and were starting to turn their attention to Valerie and to the Hobbit. Thorin led the Company into the light of the fire, attacking the slow-moving mountain trolls. He felt the adrenaline rush through his veins, the quest so far being too stagnant for his tastes. He tried to look over at Valerie during their scuffle, noticing that she overall looked unharmed; Joining to fight alongside with the company. Meanwhile, Bilbo kept between the trees, he appreciated at the very least that he could be some use with using rocks to throw at the trolls, but he mostly kept himself out from sight, to not cause any harm from the violence trolls. 

 Even both Kili and Fili, who cut the trolls by their ankles, as they swiftly moved between their legs and feet. And Valerie had herself made it well without being hurt, nor harmed. Thorin and his kin were willing to beat the Trolls back into the cave from where they came, but the cry of Bilbo torn his attention skyward.

The Hobbit was dangling in the grasp of the Trolls, "Lay down your arms, or we'll rip his off." Thorin drummed his fingers on the grip of his axe, considering his options. He could just press on, but the Hobbit was his responsibility. Thorin glared at the Hobbit, throwing down his weapons with a noticeable huff. He seethed even as the Troll bound them up, half has thrown into a pile of sacks while the rest of his kin roasted on a spit.

"Don't bother cooking 'em. Let's just sit on 'em and squash 'em to jelly." Tom suggested, looking at the captured Dwarves. Thorin's eyes found Valerie, a quick assessment to see if she was fine before he checked on the rest of his company. But he did hear the small talking about the Knight who wasn't here. And that made his distrust for the man to swell in his chest, as he should have known better, Rash would eventually leave them as the Wizard had done.

"They should be sautéed and grilled with a sprinkle of sage," Bert stated.

"That does sound nice." The other replied.

Thorin was trying to come up with some way out of this situation, his mind reeling. He didn't think he could get far being tied like he was, but surely there was something they could do.

Surprisingly Bilbo spoke up, his glare was on the Hobbit before he could even utter a word. "Wait! You are making a grave mistake, with the seasoning I mean."

"What about the seasoning?" The Cook hissed, offended that the Hobbit would suggest he was wrong.

"Well, have you smelt them?" Bilbo paused, "You're going to need something stronger than sage before you plate this lot up."

"What do you know about cooking Dwarf?" The Troll demanded before the other interjected. "Shut up, let the flurgaburburhobbit talk."

Thorin let out a low growl, finding Bilbo's betrayal something he should have expected. He was angry with the hobbit.

"Skin them first!"

Bilbo had the Trolls believing that the Dwarves were infected with parasites. At first, Thorin thought that the Hobbit was just trying to save his own skin but then he noticed the movement of a gray hat in the bushes. He gave his nephew a kick before the company started to turn, claiming they all had parasites.

"The Dawn will take you all!" Gandalf yelled, splitting a boulder in half before the sun peeked through the crack. The trolls finally words of wanting to eat Gandalf turned to stone.

"Who's that?" Bert asked his brothers. "No idea," Tom answered. "Can we eat 'im too?" William asked stupidly. Gandalf then strikes the rock with his staff, splitting it in half, allowing the sunlight behind him and the rock to pour into the clearing.

When the sunlight touches the trolls' skin, they begin turning into stone amidst loud screams and howls of pain. Within a few seconds, the mountain trolls were stone statues.

All the dwarves cheer for Gandalf return. Still the dwarves on the spit, including Dwalin, still look uncomfortable.

"Get your feet off from my back!" He barked.

Kili got off from the sack, and he helped his brother then he gathered his swords and bow, and arrows. Valerie helped the youngest among them and she gathered her own weapons.

Gandalf then leads the company again, and of course with Rash by his side. Who was one among them who had not but only, informed the Wizard about the events that took place with the Mountain trolls.

As Gandalf was back again, with the Knight by his side, Thorin wanted to know why he went to their aid. "To look ahead,"  The wizard replied, "And what brought you back?" Thorin asked.
"Looking behind."

The company finds a large cave nearby, a cave from the trolls where they had been living. Some of them did go down and enter it. It is full of treasures which the trolls had kept from killing humans and farmers.

While they were exploring, Thorin finds two swords covered in dirt and spider webs.

Gandalf approaches him, telling the to-be King that those blades are made by elves; finer blade the to-be-King could not find. While some of the dwarves fill a chest with treasure, then they bury it in a hole deep down in the ground to one day get it. Dwalin stands aside and looks on in disgust at his brethren.

On their way out, Gandalf steps on something metallic. Brushing aside the leaves beneath him with his staff, he finds another sword. The wizard exits the cave and heads over to where Bilbo is with Val and Rash. The wizard hands over the sword to Bilbo, which was the perfect size for the Hobbit to wield. The Hobbit first argued he couldn't take it, and his reason was he never would wish to take a life, but Gandalf reassured the Hobbit it was not about to take a life but to spare one. 

The company continued its journey. Pushing, towards the hills and was met by another wizard, Radagast the Brown. Who told Gandalf of the dark powers that started to spread over the lands, a reason to why the trolls were back. This Gandalf had to speak with Lord Elrond about.

The company was followed by a pack of orcs, and Radagast was in a mood for the challenge with his Rhosgobel Rabbits, so he bought time for the company to run away from the pack.

They followed Gandalf, as he took the lead. He found a cave where they could take shelter, but it was not like any other cave, it was with a secret way to Rivendell.

A loud sound of a horn coming from the elves was heard, and they attacked the orcs above the hidden cave.

Gandalf knew this would sting some of the company, but he did not have time to think about it.

A dead body of an orc fell down and Kili took a look at the arrow. He had never seen an arrow like that before, but it was stated it was from elves.

Following the path they did, as they had no other chose to go. It was quite narrow, and it is a crack between two tall cliffs. At times, the dwarves have difficulty going through. The pathway eventually opens out into an open area.

There is a valley below, and in that valley is the city of Rivendell.

"The Valley of Imraldis. In the Common Tongue, it's known by another name." Bilbo was taken by the knowledge he had read about Rivendell from books of old, but now he was here, for his first time, he dreamt of it as a child.


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