The Goblin Town

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Rash, the knight was walking beside the Wizard, readying his armor while doing so. "We leave in an hour," Gandalf spoke with a solemn and calm voice. Rash looked surprised.

"Will we not notify the council before?" The old wizard looked back at the knight.

"I would prefer not. They will only hinder us from our objective." Gandalf was now stroking his beard, then stopping dead in his tracks. Rash stopped as well, turning around and looking at his old friend. "What now?" The knight asked. Gandalf answered by smirking and looking up at the knight.

"Excuse me! Mithrandir, and Master knight!"A soft female voice could be heard shouting from across the hall, from where Rash and Gandalf had left.

Delicate feet on the floor could be heard, approaching quickly from behind Gandalf.

"I'm sorry, for interrupting the two of you." The small woman apologized, as she walked to their side from the elven courtyard.

Her eyes were of hazel with hints of green, and they sparkled through her dark hair. Rash kept his eyes on her, mesmerized gaze. Rash didn't understand this odd feeling when he laid eyes on this woman. He couldn't look away from her eyes, now when she stood there, she was small even for an elf, with a slender body and skin that were fair but kissed by the sun. Her hair reaches her waist of the chestnut brown hair color.

"Maiden, who are you?" The knight asked, with wonder and intrigue in his voice. Gandalf, who was still standing behind the pair, couldn't help it. He gleefully chuckled as he watched the giant knight be put under the spell of a beautiful girl not even half his size. The woman turned to face the man who asked her name, and who she was. With a slight nod of her head, she firmly inhaled.

"My name is Lillian. I'm not what I seem to be not just a maid to the House of Elrond. I can tell you about my past in detail later, but I want to leave the nest of Rivendell. To aid and put my use into something better than cleaning, and hunting." Lillian paused, as she just met this strange man. Gandalf was someone she had met before as he was a dear friend to Lord Elrond himself, Lillian didn't miss his stays in Rivendell several times. She had heard the adventures the Wizard was part of. The Knight had his eyes and ears on the woman, nodding for her to continue.

"I understand if I am not the material you might need. But I've met people who don't accept me because I'm a half-breed. Not being a pure elf. Of course, Lord Elrond never showed me the cold shoulder, as other elves have. My mother was an elf, served as a handmaiden once to the King's wife, the Queen of Mirkwood. My father was a man, of humans from Esgaroth upon the Long Lake." She explained, knowing from the look from the company of dwarves their distrust in Elrond and his kin. Lillian knew her request to join the Knight and the Wizard could easily be declined. Because of the history of the two different races, one which she bears the blood from.

"Some minds of elves are to be said old-fashioned, i am sorry to hear you had a rough time getting along with other elves who deems half breeds not worthy due to pure bloodlines." Rash felt for her as he knew the history of the King in Mirkwood, and how he turned his back against people of Dale and Erebor. Rash knew the elf, and he knew after the death of the Kings wife, Thranduil turned distant from others but his own kin and his heart turned into ice.

Rash knew that this woman was someone he could see among the company. Yes, she was half of the blood of an elf, the same kin who betrayed Thorin and his people sixty years ago. The company wouldn't show loyalty to have an elf joining and someone who they barely didn't know.

Lillian had a past with the Lord of Rivendell. She was no threat to the company, nor to their quest to take back Erebor. She wasn't sided to the King of Mirkwood. She was no spy, and not the material of being an assassin of the sort. This half-elf only wanted to be a part of something special, she was told in tales about as a child about her mother's and father's journey. Rash could bring her along to be part of an adventure, for her to look back on when growing older, as she bears the blood of human she was mortal. Even to tell her own children about the tales which will become a legend.

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