The Journey

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Bilbo woke up from his bed, only remembering the dwarves singing that still rang in his ears. A sweet tone for sure, one not to be forgotten soon. The Hobbit wondered why his house was so quiet. Were the dwarves sleeping? He rose from his bed and made his way through his house. The company he had the day before was nowhere to be seen.

"Gandalf! Thorin? Valerie!" He shouted, then he ran outside. There were no ponies outside, no traces of the dwarven company, or Gandalf. But he knew trails, and a trail they had left. So he packed a few of his things and went off, running like a madman.

"We should wait." The man nicknamed Rash said. He turned his face to Gandalf and stared for a long while. "Ah, yes. But the company couldn't wait for him. Though I'm sure everything will be alright in the end." The old wizard spoke wisely and with a smile on his lips.

As the company rode on horseback through the large woods located next to the shire, they could hear birdsongs and smell fragrant flowers blooming in the spring. The mild wind was lightly playing with her blonde locks, she was seated on her horseback, on her pony which was named Minty.

Valerie stroked Minty's gently by the mane while holding onto the reins she turned to look back in hope to see the Hobbit joining them, but no hobbit was to be seen but the company and wizard with their ponies riding in a lead.


A suddenly voice called out for them, everyone stopped and turned their heads in the direction from behind, to see the very small figure running his way to them.

It was no one but Bilbo, himself, holding on the contract in his hands. The man known as Rash jumped down from his horse and started wandering towards Bilbo. The curious little Hobbit tripped, and Rash caught him in the chest before he fell forward.

"You need to steady your feet when you run, little friend." The man half-smiled. Bilbo looked up with sweat on his brow. He nodded in gratitude. Bilbo refocused his footing, nodding his thanks to them an, as the Hobbit was out of words, as it was the first time he heard him speak.

Thorin narrowed his eyes as he pulled his mount to a stop while watching on when Bilbo Baggins approach them, with a grin on his face. Thorin didn't know what the Hobbit was so happy about, but he was wearing a grin so wide that it made the Hobbit's cheeks to hurt.

"I've signed it." Bilbo handed the contract over to Balin. The older man looked it over, Thorin almost wished that Balin would find something askew to keep the Hobbit away. He had a gut feeling the Hobbit was going to be more of a problem by taking along to the quest, than of a good choice which Gandalf deemed earlier.

"Everything looks all set, welcome to the company of Thorin Oakenshield." Balin beamed, tucking the contract away with the others that were signed. Cries of dismay as many of his in lost their bet, but Thorin had little time for their revelry.

"Get him a pony, we have a long day ahead of us," Thorin demanded, pushing his mount onward, grumbling under his breath about the Hobbit. Fili and Kili ride to Bilbo's side as Thorin said they should get him a pony, and the brothers pulled the small Hobbit up by his arms and seated him onto the horseback of Myrtle.

Bilbo was uneasy on the saddle, and riding the horseback he had never done before which was a challenge for him to hold the reins the right way and how tightened enough they would be.

The dwarves began to throw each other gold as they laughed. "What is going on?" Bilbo asked confused, looking at the company who threw their skins filled with gold to each other. "They took wages last night over if you would join or not." Bilbo nodded while he turned his gaze to the woman of the company who had reassured him. "What did you think?" He asked her curiously.

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