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"Here they come!" Cooper's voice called out from upstairs. We all took our positions and waited, watching them slowly move towards us. Guns and knives in hand. Ryan has pulled a Doberman out of the car as well, holding it by a chain. Foam dripping from the huge dogs mouth. Christina was holding a knife and actually looked like she didn't want to be there, standing at the very back and looking like she would run at the first sight of a Rodo. "Rodo's! Come out now! Or we will come in to get you!" Samantha screamed, sounding actually quite intimidating. None of the gang replied, Shiver and Blackcrow both growled as they paced the room. "Tess, we may have to go master form on these idiots." Jasmine informed and I nodded. "Just tell me when" this time she nodded, giving me a small grin. "We'll make these Preppy's go running back to their mommys." She chuckled and cracked her knuckles. At the same time someone banged on the door, sounding as if somebody was trying to break it. "Okay, I'll turn master, you go and check the other guys. I'll make sure they don't get in here." She ordered me and whispered a few words to herself. Growing her horns and summoning the darkness, almost to the extent where I couldn't see where I was going. Shiver rubbed against my leg, calming me down a little while I hurried into the kitchen. Making sure Will and Simon was fine, a loud bang notified that they were trying to get the backdoor open as well. Ledger had come downstairs and was going to help the two boys in the kitchen, leaving Cooper to patrol the upstairs alone. Shiver had run into the game room with Zac and Luke when we heard a bang come from there as well. Rushing back into the front room where Jasmine was in master form holding the door back. They would no chance getting in here. Her darkness was hiding the windows as well. Blackcrow ran to Marko and Brad when a bullet broke the window, and I was right behind him. "You guys okay?" "Yea, we're fine" Brad replied, fear evident in his voice.

And that's what I did for the next few minutes, ran around checking to make sure everybody was holding down everything alright. Shiver had rejoined me once Jasmine was able to cover the windows in there as well as the front room. A loud crash and a shout came from the kitchen and Shiver sprinted towards the room, leaving me to attempt keeping up. Erin and Ty has managed to get through to window, Jackson climbing in behind them. Simon was trying his hardest to get the gun out of Erin's hand, while Will and Ledger fought Ty. "Shiver! Help Simon!" Calling to my hellhound and charging Jackson at the same time. Somehow I got Jackson out of the window and was now helping Will and Ledger fight Ty, a losing battle. "Everybody upstairs!" Marko yelled from the foot of the stairs, his voice was low and as always, demanding. Jasmine replaced his spot while he turned to run up the stairs, and the rest of us were right behind him. "Tessa! Master form!" The other master screamed, and I saw why, Renegade, surrounded by smoke was walking through the front door. Thorn by his side. I mumbled the words to myself and stood beside Jasmine. Axel and Sazio must have done something to the preps, it all made since now.
"Hello Vîrus..Abrupt..." His menacing voice trailed off, "I hate to ruin the fun.. But I got bored. You want a fight? I'll give you a fight!" "Wait a minute brother!" Axels voice cut through the smoke and darkness. And please don't tell me I have two half brothers now.

"What is it now Axel?" Sazio's voice sounding very much annoyed. "Who's Axel? The names Lee, got it memorized?" A man that looked and sounded a lot like Axel stepped out of the shadows. "Axel!" I yell, somewhat surprised that he would join the fight. He looked different though, he wore long black robes. "No, I told you my names Le- you know whatever, Axel, fine." He sighed and raised a sword against.... Sazio?! "Sorry Tessa!" Ax--Lee shouted and charged Sazio, Jasmine right behind him. I pulled out my own khopesh and ran to join the fight, holding off the preps while Jasmine and Lee fought Sazio. The preps finally decided to retreat, leaving me and Shiver to join the fight. It seemed like ages before Renegade finally fell to the ground, Thorn limping towards his fallen master. "Tessa...I'm so sorry, forgive me if you can... But I won't hold it against you...if you can't." He said in the weakest and quietest voice he could muster. Abrupt kneeled beside him, combing his hair out of the way while he took his final breaths. Lee looked over at me, his eyes glistening. "I'm taking Sazio's body and Thorn to a special cemetery, just for masters and their hellhounds. It was nice meeting two other masters along with Renegade. My master name is Mad. Oh and Tessa...your real brother is out there somewhere. It was never Sazio. Goodbye." I blinked. When my eyes opened Mad, Sazio, and Thorn were gone. The other Rodo's causally walked back down the stairs, Marko smiled at me causing me to grin a sad smile. Before rushing over to kiss me, a long passionate kiss.

A few weeks after the fight, everything seemed semi-normal. School was doing good at all, but something was bothering me. And that was what Lee said about my real brother still being out there. I wanted to find him. Jasmine was talking about leaving the town and going to the "underworld" a special place for hellhounds and their masters. I would miss her but she was not needed here anymore. Our small town didn't need two protecters. And something weird was happening that I didn't want Jasmine to know about, a stray hellhound, Kodak, was hanging around here. And girl that only I knew about was causing trouble in our town. She was stirring up trouble that only a master could finish.

And this is the end of this story. Thanks.

Welcome, one final time,
To the other side.
This is the last part of my story.
And I love whoever may be
Reading this book.
This was a 25 day book.
I enjoyed everyday of writing.
Even when my cousin yelled at me
For hurting her favorite character.
I will have more books
Coming out.
The next one will most likely be a sequel.
Don't forget me, and I won't you.
Now petty mortals,
One last time....
Farewell from the other side.

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