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Cooper and Will helped Ledger get back to the pickup, even though he protested he was fine. Luke and Zac kept lookout for anymore preps so Marko could beat them up. Simon was here also, looking paler than the last time I saw him. "I'm going to go find Alyson, she's showing a horse." I explain to Marko and start running off to be stopped by my protective boyfriend grabbing my arm. "Preps are here, you cannot go off by yourself." I was about to argue when Luke grabbed my arm and Zac grabbed my other one. "We'll take her!" Zac smiled, "besides Alyson and Nichole are showing, and we must find them!" Zac added before running off, dragging me behind them. "Alyson!" I yell at the blonde and she turned and smiled. "Hey, I'm going to practice. You guys want to watch?"

The Rodo's were all gathered in the school parking lot. And the preps had just pulled in. They cracked their knuckles while they got out, even the girls had come, to sit on the sidelines of course. "Okay...Tess, if one of the girls jump into the fight, take them out. If that doesn't happen, don't fight. Ledger, you stay back as well." Marko ordered and I nod, stepping back along with Ledger. I would have brought Shiver, but his hellhound form might've scared some people. I watched Marko give orders to the other gang members before both gangs stepped towards each other. "I'll take you..." Marko told Ryan. The rest of the gang members sized up to their opponents, finding a prep their size to fight. Now we waited. Rain had started falling and they were now waiting for someone to throw the first punch. Ledger stood next to me, anticipation sparkled in my eyes. Ty threw the first punch. Aimed at Cooper. Cooper immediately threw one back and the rumble had officially started.

Punches were thrown left and right and most of the Rodo's were more agile than the preps so their punches were easily dodged. I noticed Jacob and Ashley watching from a distance, not wanting to get caught up in this rumble. Ryan and Marko seemed to be doing pretty good, Ryan got in a few hits and Marko would return them swiftly. My head snapped to the right when I saw Christina trying to help her boyfriend by scratching at Marko's back. Now we Rodo's had a rule, not hitting girls unless you were playing around, so Marko wasn't about ready to hit her. But a girl could hit a girl. And I was a girl. Rushing into the fight, and tearing Christina away from my boyfriend she raised her fists for a fight and I laughed. Reaching out and pushing her down, kicked her side with held back power. She groaned in pain and curled up into a ball, Ryan roaring in anger when he saw his girlfriend. "Tess, run!" Marko yelled while attempting to keep Ryan from ripping my head off by holding him in a full-nelson. Dodging my way through the bodies to get back to Ledger, I caught sight of Simon fighting James on my way back, Simon was winning luckily.

"Hey guys! Why'd you start without me!" Turning around to see Anthony the jock running towards us, he knew what Quinn had done and was basically the new, secret, leader of the jocks. Until we know if we could trust Quinn or not. Anthony did not hesitate to jump into the fight, helping Will take out Matt, before moving on to help Luke with Jackson. I saw the girl jocks too, they were carefully making their way over to us. "Sup, Deluxey?" I laughed and jumped into the tailgate of my pickup. "Came to watch the rumble," she sat down beside me. "In other words, Anthony literally dragged us along" Audrey chimed in with a smirk. "Alyson, Luke's fighting Jackson. How confident are you that he'll win?" Ledger asked, pretending to be a interviewer. "Um...since Anthony is there, I have complete faith in my boyfriend!" Alyson laughed along with the rest of us before we turned are attention back to the fight. Brad was having some trouble but Zac stepped in before anything serious happened.

*bang* *bang*

Gunfire. A stupid prep brought a gun. "Go! Go! Go!" I saw the preps run off and I froze when I saw two men on the ground. One was unmoving, while the other one crawled towards the other. Marko and Brad. Brad was the one moving. Letting out a shocked gasp, I sprint to Marko's side, tears already streaming down my face. A hole in his chest was bleeding profusely. Brad had been shot in the shoulder. Zac had torn off his shirt, revealing his six pack, and handed it to me. Taking it and pressing it to his chest. He let out a small moan and Brad immediately grabbed his hand, squeezing it tightly. "Somebody call an ambulance..." My voice already hoarse and deadly serious. Cooper was tearing out his phone and dialed three numbers before talking to somebody. Luke was holding another shirt to Brad's shoulder, who looked about ready to faint from the loss of blood, Luke having to help him stay sitting up. "Zac, can you hold this for a minute?" Zac nodded and kneeled down, keeping pressure on the wound when I got up. Walking over to the alley where I first saw Shiver, concentrating immensely.
"Shiver, can you hear me?" Milady? You have mastered hellhound Communication. "Shiver, I need you to find the prep, Erin Walker, he just shot Marko and Brad." Milady...do you want to kill him. Thinking for a minute before I reply. "No. Not unless Marko or Brad dies, just scare the heck out of him." Of course milady. And then I ended the link between us. Rushing back over to the lot right when the ambulances and cops got there. The rest few hours was a blur. The cops asked a lot of questions, I rode with Marko to the hospital. They had to dig the bullet out of my boyfriend. Brads bullet had when clean through. Marko still hadn't woken and I was currently sitting next to the hospital bed, waiting for my boyfriend to wake up,  at 1:00 am. The rest of the gang sleeping at Ashley's house that was about a half block away from the hospital.

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