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The Rodo's, and the jocks, were currently heading towards the skatepark. Axel, who had recently joined the jocks, was with us as well. Jasmine had called to tell me she was in the hospital talking to Marko. And now all the Rodo's knew she was still very much alive. When we got there, two skaters were already there. They cleared out quickly when they saw all of us. "Tessa! Stunt off?" Simon challenged. Never one to back away from a challenge, I accepted without a any hesitation. He preformed an ollie, which I copied perfectly. Then a kick flip, which this time he did perfectly. We didn't get to finish because a cop pulled up beside the park. The cop and his partner got out and began walking towards us at a slow pace. Finally, they stopped. "Are any of you guys..Rodo's?" His deep voice demanded. "Most of us are," I stepped forward, taking my place as the leader since Brad and Marko isn't here. "Good, any chance any of you know these two? We were told the Rodo's and the Preppy's have history together." The partner answered, he held up a picture. Of Samantha and Matt, the picture was blurry but undoubtably them. "They robbed a liquor store," the seeped voiced cop spoke again. "The boy is Matt Glass and the girl is Samantha Prone." I told them, "thanks, you guys helped a lot." Both cops nodded goodbye and turned to walk back to their cop car. "I wonder why Samantha would rob the place. I mean, I could understand Matt robbing the place but not Samantha." Cooper said. "Yeah, she must've knew that someone could identify her as well. The Preppy's are losing their touch I think." Zac replied.

"Tessa!" Everybody turned to see Brad sprinting towards us. "What the heck are you doing out of the hospital, Brad!?" I demanded. Brad was panting when he reached us, but managed to speak. "The preps are losing it, they shot the windows in the hospital. They hit...like...10 stores, all the preps beside Jacob and Ashley has gone mad." Everybody's mouths were wide in disbelief. The preps finally gave gone mad then. "Come on, we're going to my house, if they're going to hit anybody house it will be mine" I ordered and took off on a full on sprint towards my house. "Let's go boys!" Quinn, who we allowed to come, told the jocks as they followed us. Alyson, Deluxe, and Audrey split off from the group to hunt down Ashley and Jake. Then Anthony, Axel, and Quinn split off to make sure the girl jocks made it safely. Once we all safely made it to my house, everybody ran around locking the doors and windows, then double checking to make sure. It would be dark soon and that when it was going to get scary. Milady, Simon has told me the situation. I can attempt to signal Blackcrow and tell him to come with Lady Jasmine. Shivers calm voice pounded in my head. "Please do Shiv," replying to the hellhound before running upstairs to make sure the windows were locked up there as well.

"Tess! Three cars just pulled up!" Luke yelled at the same time there was a knock on the back door. I was flanked by Brad and Zac while I walked into the kitchen, opening the door to see Jasmine, Blackcrow(hellhound form), and Marko. My boyfriend was leaning against Jasmine and looked pretty bad. "Hope I'm not late, I tried to talk him out of coming with me." Jasmine said while she gave Marko to Brad who had rushed into the room when he heard Jasmine. Ledger appeared from around the corner of the house, limping a bit. We relocked the door and moved into the dark living room, watching the windows while the preps exited their cars. "Tess, send Shiver to scare them away. The sight of two hellhounds might be enough to finish this right here and now."  Listening to the older girls advise, we both told our companions to head outside and scare them off. Looks only, not to attack. Opening the back door once again to let them out. After a few intimidating growls and howls the preps retreated back to their cars. But they weren't exactly going to run off just because of growling. Erin raised his gun and began shooting. I inwardly flinched when I heard Blackcrow's howl of pain and saw both hellhounds retreat to the safety of the darkness. "Hellhounds heal fast, Blackcrow is just letting his wound heal before going back" Jasmine assured the others. My khopesh was currently in my hand and I swung it around in attempt to calm my nerves. Marko was leaning against the wall, watching the back windows with Brad. Will and Simon watched the kitchen windows along with the back door. Luke and Zac watched the side of the house. And Cooper and Ledger watched upstairs, just incase the preps decided to test their climbing skills. And finally Jasmine and I watched the front of the house. The house was deathly silent, in sort of an eerie way.

The only sounds were the occasional howl or growl from either of the two hellhounds. Milady, they will not back down....but that is not the worst of our problems....Sazio and Thorn were spotted with Axel by Blackcrow. My face had gone pale and I turned to look at Jasmine's pale face. Blackcrow had told her. "Marko?" My voice wavering "Sazio, Thorn, and Axel were spotted." Marko slowly turned around, for the first time since forever actually looking scared. "Axel as well?" His own voice letting out a hint of fear. "Yea" was the only reply before silence again. Breaking the silence was Shiver scratching at the back door with Blackcrow. After Will let them in they immediately rushed into the front room with their masters. "Jas? Is it okay for a hellhound master to be scared?" My voice quivering. She only gave me a sad smile, "of course Tessy, I would be lying if I said I wasn't." She paused, "everybody in this house is scared. Including the hellhounds."

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