Character info

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The Rodo gang-

Daughter of an undertaker, the only girl skater in the gang. Great at parkour and gymnastics. Mother died when she was 12 years old. 16,Shoulder length red hair, green eyes, 5'8"

His mother and father aren't home a lot so he spends most the time at Tessa's. Best friends with Tess for 14 years. 16, Short dirty blond hair, blue eyes, 6'1"

The leader of the gang. His mom and dad couldn't care less about him so he doesn't talk about them often. Lots of muscles. The best skater. Only stays in school because of the gang. 17, Messy jet black hair, grey eyes, 6'2"

Second in command. Even though he was best friends with Marko, the two got into a lot of fights. Bull rider. Ashley, a prep, is Brad's girlfriend. 16, Short brown hair, light brown eyes, 5'11"

More of an outcast, the best skater besides Marko. Lives with his older brother Heath. Has no friends besides the gang. Quiet. Will fight for anybody in the gang. 17, raven black hair, gold eyes, 6'1"

Easily the smartest in the group. Has a girlfriend, Mist. Lives with his mom, his dads an alcoholic. 16, blond hair, hazel eyes, 5'10"

Best friends with Zac, rides motorcycles and horses. Bareback bronc rider. His girlfriend is named Alyson. 17, short blond hair, blue eyes, 6'

Same as Luke. Lives with Luke and Will. Bareback bronc rider. Girlfriend named Nichole. 17, longish black hair, dark green eyes, 5'11"

Abused by both of his parents. Will now lives with Zac and Luke. Rides motorcycles and has a big black German Shepard named Karma.
Saddle bronc rider. Megan is his girlfriend. 16, messy light black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'10"


The Preppy's-

One of the most girly girls in the school, has no boyfriend. Always trying to get the gang in trouble. 17, long blond hair, blue eyes, 5'7"

A girl that flirts with everybody, is failing every class but for some reason her and Samantha are best friends. 16, short brown hair, brown eyes, 5'5"

A cool kid that can hack, he gathers Intel for the gang. Doesn't belong with the Preppy's, but he likes giving the gang their information. 17, short dark brown hair, light blue eyes, 6'1"

A cool girl. She also doesn't belong with the Preppy's but she stays to help Jacob gather information. 16, Strawberry blond hair, grey eyes, 5'8"

Ashley and Chris fight a lot. Ryan's girlfriend. Picks fights just to have her boyfriend finish them. 18, lighter black hair, hazel eyes, 5'1"

Christina's boyfriend, Jacob's brother.
A preppy who got kicked out of the skaters, Marko's enemy. 18, short dark brown hair, blue eyes, 6'5"

A rich boy that knows how to box. Also a known mugger, quick tempered. Carries a knife. 18, dirty blond hair, brown eyes, 6'2"

A dark skinned boy. Can beat anybody in a fight. Him and Marko always want to fight to see which one is the better. 17, black curly hair, brown eyes, 6,2"

A pale boy. Rich. Carries a knife at all times. Drug dealer. Good at dodging cops.
16, short blond hair, blue eyes, 6'5

Extremely rich. Gets anything he wants on a silver platter. Always throwing huge parties and getting drunk.
17, long red hair, gray and blue eyes, 6'

His mother and father thinks he's a good kid with good grades. In reality he's a drug lord. Carries a gun. 18, short neat raven black hair, dark grey eyes, 5'11"


The jocks-

The leader of the jocks, formed an alliance with the skaters. Flirts with Tessa a lot. 18, long brown hair, grey eyes, 6'4"

A beautiful girl that Jacob secretly likes. Good friends with Tessa. Great at any sport. 16, long brown hair, green eyes, 5'3"

A loud guy that is very good with any sport, especially wrestling. 17, short red hair, grey eyes, 6'

Soccer and swim team are her claim to fame. Loves riding horses. Luke is her boyfriend. 17, dirty blonde hair, hazel eyes, 5'5"

An amazing basketball player. She's one of the best kick-boxers as well. The leader of the gymnasts. 17, short brown hair with pink streaks, pink cat eye contacts, 5'9"

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