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Milady, Simon is here. Shiver told me when I laying on my bed. Grayson laying on my stomach, kneading my shirt. "Can you go bring him up here, please?" The hellhound nodded and trotted threw the open bedroom door. My phone rang and I lean over to the bedside table, snatching my phone from the wooden surface. Briefly glancing at the caller ID to see it was Alyson. "Hello?" "Hey Tessa, Luke and I were walking around when Luke said he saw your friend Jasmine? I don't know who she is, but she sounded important so like told me to call." My heart sped up, "o-okay...thank you alypen." Hanging up the phone and letting it drop to the soft bed, it couldn't be a coincidence that Luke and I both saw Jasmine lookalikes. "Tess...by the way Shiver is acting, I'm guessing you wanted to see me?" Glancing to my left to see my hellhound and my best friend, "yep" popping the P. Sitting up and patting the bed next to me, signaling for him to sit. He sat down beside me and coughed a little. I lean my head on his shoulder and he smiled, wrapping his arm around me like he used to do. "Things have been hectic lately, hasn't it?" Nodding as tears began falling. My dad was hardly ever home anymore, my half-brother killed my friend and tried to kill me along with the gang. He hurt Luke and Cooper. And the worst thing was my friendship with Simon had been faltering lately. Simon was my first love, I loved him. More than a friend. But I also love Marko, I had grown out of my Simon love phase. But our friendship was dying slowly. It felt like he was avoiding me, he didn't talk to me a lot anymore.

"I missed you" starting to sob. He carefully moved me into his lap and kissed the top of my head, "I love you, Tessa. Don't ever leave me." His own tears were now falling on top of my head. "Never," muttering to him while I bury my head into his chest, breathing in his cologne. Simon rubbed my back and hugged me, and I truly enjoyed it. It felt like old times once again. "I'm going to take Shiver for a walk. I'll be back in a bit, Simon" punching his shoulder lightly while standing up, sashaying through the door frame and downstairs. Shiver at my heels. Milady, have you realized that your friend is sick? "Yeah, he said it was just a cold. I don't really believe him though." I don't know what it may be. But it is not a cold Shiver assured me. I nod and pay his head, beginning the slow walk around the block.

"Hello young lady," an elderly man was weeding the front of his house, "hello sir" waving and smiling politely at him. "That's a beautiful dog you have their, what breed is it?" He came over to me and stroked Shiver's soft body. Say I'm a domestic wolf Shiver answered for me. "Um..he's a domestic wolf," the gentleman smiled "he's a beauty, that's for sure. What is his name?" "Shiver" the man straightened and smiled. "Don't you ever let this one go. He'll protect you with his life. He's very intelligent." And with that the man winked and walked away. Shiver led the way from his house and once we were a decent way away Shiver started talking, he knew I was a hellhound. "What?! How?!" I whisper shout.
I wish I knew... Was all he answered with as we carried on with our walk. Finding myself in front of Marko's apartment building. "Let's go Shiv" heading up the stairs to the second floor, which housed Marko. Knocking on his door and waiting patiently for my boyfriend. He opened the door abruptly and smiled when he saw it was me, "heya tessy" he pulled me close and kissed my softly. "Hello" walking into the big apartment and looking around. I had helped him decorate the rooms so of course they looked good. "Wanna watch lotr with me? I was thinking the two towers? Part 2 of course" he plopped down on the leather couch, pulling me down beside him. Shiver laying on the rug in front of the TV. "Sure babe" laying my head in his lap, his hand on my side.

Halfway through the movie there was a knock on the door. Marko moved my head to get up and answer it, "hey man, I need a place to crash. My dad kicked me out of the house again." Will's familiar voice drifted over to me. "Yeah man, come in. Take the guest room, it's fine." Marko ushered him into the big apartment, Will did a small wave when he saw me. Me smiling back softly. "Tess? It's getting late, want to stay here?" I send a quick text to Simon explaining before agreeing. "Since Will's in the guest room, you can sleep in my room with me." He handed me a big T-shirt and drawstring sweat pants to change into. Crawling in bed beside home once I was finished. I was laying on one arm, while the other was wrapped around his waist. "Goodnight Tessa.." Marko muttered, half asleep already. I squeeze my eyes shut, feeling Shivers body pressed against my legs. Goodnight Milady, my hellhounds tired voice came into my mind. "Goodnight you two.." We're the last words I said before I fell into a dreamless sleep. Marko squeezing me softly when I said those words.

Welcome to the other side
After talking to my friend and cousin,
I thought that a chapter a day was hard.
I told them I would do a
Chapter every other day.
But I lied.
Writing is the only
Thing I enjoy doing.
It's natural for me to write.
It felt wrong not publishing today.
I will continue doing
A chapter a day.
Thank you for reading.
Farewell from the other side.

Hunting with HellhoundsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon