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"Hey Tess? Wanna make some Dango?" Sazio called. Father was currently out of town and I was alone with Sazio. I managed to get Shiver out of the house and comfortable underneath the porch. Pulling out my earbuds and getting off the couch, I walk to the kitchen, seeing my half-brother pulling out ingredients. Smiling when he sees me, his light reddish eyes sparkling. "Can you grab red food color?" Reaching into a cupboard and pulling out a package of dye. Having a brother was nice, I've told the gang about him but they've yet to meet him. "Wanna play some music?" I ask. He nods and I grab my phone and speaker, playing Ride by twenty øne pilots. "So...what the heck is dango?" Sazio laughed "a Japanese sweet. Its basically a rice dumpling." "Oh, that sounds good!" Me nodded, he opened his mouth to reply but a knock on the door stopped him. Peaking out the windows, my heart skipped a beat. Marko and Simon sat on the step. Simon hadn't even met Sazio. Rushing to the door and pulling it open, "hey guys!"  Marko smiled and gave me a quick kiss while Simon hugged me. "So where's this brother of yours." Leave it to Marko to get strait to the point "he's in the kitchen, come on" my friends followed me and Sazio turned around with a grin. "I'm Sazio, Tessa's half-brother," reaching out to shake their hands, "I'm Marko, Tess's boyfriend." "And I'm Simon. Tessa's best friend," "nice to meet you guys." Marko and Sazio seemed to be sizing each other up. Not a fight I'd want to see, Marko had more muscles but Sazio had my traits, agile and lithe. I've already found out that he's a black belt and knows every pressure point. And he's a gymnast. "Tess, do you mind if we watch something?" Marko broke the silence, "um no, not at all. I'm going to finish helping Sazio and then I'll be out." My friends nodded and left the room. And I let out a quick sigh of relief. "Well they seem like a nice bunch, sis," letting out a little laugh. "You haven't met the whole group yet" I countered. Laughing he began rolling the dango into balls. "Hey, when your friends leave, do you want to come to Hastings with me? I want some books." "Yeah, sound like fun." Jumping down from the counter that I was on, and heading towards the living room where my 2 friend were watching The Scorch Trials.

Sazio was now driving us to Hastings, "so how are you liking the town?" He shrugged, "I don't really know anybody yet, but it's pretty nice." He replies.
Parking before hopping out of the car, Sazio gave me a big smile, "I liked finding out I had a sister. Probably the best part about moving here," smiling, I give him a big hug. "Okay, go get anything you want. I'll be in the back with the history books." "Ok," running off towards the game section, I saw Jacob and Ashley going through Xbox 1 games. Ashley looked bored while Jake seemed to be having a lot of fun, "sup friends!" I say cheerfully, Ashley's face immediately put up, "Tessa!" She pulled me into a bear hug, "wait, let me guess, Jacob kidnapped you and brought you here as punishment?" Ashley giggled and nodded, "whatcha here for?" Jake asked "my brother brought me along, and I'm here Injustice: Gods Among Us." "I want to meet him!" Ashley demanded. "He's in the back, only young guy with white hair." I laughed and Ashley ran off.

"Here," Jacob handed me my game. "Thanks bro" and then I run off to find my brother. Turing a corner to find Ashley chatting away with Sazio, he smiled when he saw me and threw and arm around my shoulders. "You guys are so cute! I ship it!" Ashley squealed, "um ash...you do realize we're siblings right?" I make sure, she nodded with a huge grin on her face, Sazio chuckled "ready Tess?" "Yep, let's go. Cya later Asher!" Ashley waved goodbye and ran to where jake was waiting. "She's nice," my brother said. I opened my mouth to respond, but before I could, my vision turned into the master vision. Everything red and black unless things moved, but standing next to me was not a black figure nor a white one. Instead Renegade looked at me with a worried look. Shaking my head and going back to normal vision, I back away. "You're Renegade...." Whispering
Sazio froze, "how'd you know?" His voice low. "Wait you're Vîrus?!" He shouted, nodding my head frantically. "Oh great, 2 hellhound masters in the same family." He murmured, "where's Shiver? You can not let Abrupt see him no matter what!" "I-I hid him under the porch." Sazio smiled "good, I hid Thorn under the house." Laughing we both go pay for our items. Renegade was my brother, wow, what a day.

I had a date with Marko and was currently getting ready, dressing in a tight black shirt with boot cut jeans. "Tess, Marko's here!" Sazio yelled from downstairs, "ok, I'll be right down!"
Pulling on fingerless back gloves before exiting my room, Grayson at my heels. "Have fun!" Sazio told me from the kitchen, smiling I run outside and into the passenger seat of Marko's pickup. "Hey Tess," Marko smirked. "Sup babe" reaching for the dual to turn up the radio, playing Amarillo by Morning, by George straight. We drove to a small cafe, jumping out of the pickup. We sat on a booth near the back, "can I get you two something to drink?" A waitress asked, "Pepsi for me" Marko replied. "Alrighty, and for you?" "Sprite please," "okay, I'll be right back with those!" She said cheerfully. Opening the menu and flipping threw the pages, stopping when I reached the burgers, "whatcha getting Tess?" "Probably a burger, what about you?" "The same" he laughed.

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