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Once 2nd period was over I met up with Simon and Quinn. "Hey boys." I say as I pick both of them on the arm, "oh, hey Tessa. What's up?" Simon says with a smile. "Absolutely nothing. What about you guys?" Quinn starts to speak before Zac and Luke come out from behind a pillar. "Hello ladies, Marko's skipping school. Wants to know who coming." Luke says with a smirk plastered on his lips. I glance at Simon who nods, "I'll go" I sigh. That's the third time this week I've skipped. Good thing my dad didn't care. "Quinn what about you?" Zac asked. "Nah bros, I have a test to make up." We nod as he walks off. "Is all the gang coming?" I ask Zac, to which he nods. "How about the girlfriends?" Simon spoke up, Zac gave him a light punch on the arm. "Nah, it's just us today. Marko's letting Brad come with us as well." Said Zac.
"I have a gymnastics meet after school, make sure I'm not late." I tell Marko as he struts up to us. "Oh come on Tess, you're already great at it. Why do you have to keep going to the stupid meets?" He complained. I roll my eyes and open my locker retrieving my jacket and skateboard. I put on my jacket and handed my skateboard to Ledger who joined us. I quickly did a flip before doing the splits. "I go so I can do this." Marko laughed and grabbed my hand once I got up. Grabbing my skateboard back from Ledger, we all head outside.

Everybody put there skateboards on the ground and started riding them to a coffee shop about a half mile away. "Hey Marko?" "Yeah Will?" Marko answered as he did an ollie. "Is Samantha serious about joining us?" He asked. Marko slowed down and waited for everybody to come closer "yeah, she talked to me about that. She was trying to flirt her way in." He started speeding up once again "stupid girl" he added. I performed a kick flip before jumping the curb into the street and grabbing hold of a passing car. Simon and Will both followed my lead and grabbed the car also, leaving the rest to try and keep up. "Cheaters!" I hear Brad call over to us. We all start laughing and let go of the car riding back over to the curb once we arrived at our destination. "I think we won.." Simon says as he punches Cooper lightly on the shoulder. We walk into the shop and Marko speaks up "I'm paying, what do you guys want?" The guys went up and all ordered their drinks. "Tessa, what do you want?" I walked up to the counter, "a medium hot chocolate please." I tell the girl. Marko hands her the money and walks to the tables. An older couple sat in the front of the shop and that was it. Me and Marko sat at a table away from the group while the others sat with each other in the corner. "My mom doesn't want me home tonight. Mind if I stay with you?" Marko causally asked while taking a sip of his coffee that the waitress just delivered. I pick up my own cup and drink a little before answering, "sure, my dad wouldn't mind if you took the guest room for the night." He smile a genuine smile instead of his usual mischievous one. "Thanks Tess." "No problem Marko." After a couple more minutes of causal talking, Marko turns his attention away from me and to the boys in the corner who had suddenly went quiet. Marko immediately got up and grabbed my hand leading me over the other guys tables. "What's wrong?" Marko demanded. He knew when something was wrong. He always did. "The Preppy's are out.." Luke muttered while staring out the windows.

Now normally when you think Preppy's you think rich boys and girls. That's not the case for these ones. These Preppy's thought they were better than everybody else and could probably beat us in a fight and almost all the boy preps carry knives and a few has guns. Marko growled "let's get out of here. Simon are your parents home?" Simon looked at our leader before replying "yeah. Tess your dads at the funeral home right?" Nodding I answer "yes, let's go to my house." We all exit the shop and head in the direction of my home. Sadly no one brought their car to school so we had to ride out skateboards. It was 11:00 and I had a gymnastics meet at 4:00 and a gang meet up at 6. I would drive my pickup to both of those meets. The preps hasn't been to nice lately and I didn't want to run into them on my way to the meets. "Wait a minute guys! Let me call my dad!" I yell at them as they talk off down the sidewalk. Most kept going but Simon and Ledger decided to wait for me. Unlocking my phone I dial my dads number. "Hello?"  "Hey daddy, are you okay if my friends come over to the house for a while?" I ask "of course honey." He paused before continuing "Another person died last night. I'm meeting with family tonight so I might be home late." He told me threw the phone. "Okay, I'm making meatloaf for dinner tonight make sure your home for it! Bye daddy!" I say before quickly hanging up. There has been a lot of deaths lately and I was getting weird. Mostly old people though. But most were still extremely healthy. I throw down my skateboard and quickly speed off with Simon and Ledger by my side. This day was going to be great, I could already tell.


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