What's the Plan ?

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It was hard to believe but I had help on my side...from a strange and bizarre series of events.

"So now that I am aware of this situation what can I do?"

I watched as Xanthia turned to look at Marissa.

"I will need to study the readings further....now that we have met with you then the details of your timeline will come to us"

"And why was that impossible before?"

"As I mentioned....it looks like these two places have become joined....there is no Therese Jakobssen in the other one...you co-exist"

"I imagined that might be the case.....as to why Michelle couldn't read my thoughts and make me completely human"

"Yes.....well our next step is to talk with Michelle"

"And you think she will listen?"

"Our only option is to entrap her in a containment field....and then convince her of all this"

"Thank you for helping me.....I really do want to get back to my own reality"

"That's good because if you had not come willingly then Xanthia was instructed to kill you"

"What about the time lines?"

"They are in temporal flux.....at present you do not exist in either of them....and her you are an anomaly....so your death would make no difference"

I tried to imagine what that meant.....and then I had a thought.

"Does Therese Jakobssen from this reality die?"

"You worked it out....yes she does.....so you see....if we had killed you then it would have repaired everything"

"So why not just do that?"

"We cant.....now that we know who you are.....I need to find out what is happening in your reality"

Xanthia turned to me.

"Leave this with Marissa.....she will sort all this out....its happened before just not on this scale"

"Is there anything else I can help you with?"

Once again the two women conversed and then time unfroze and we were back in the study room.

"Did any of that happen?"

"Yes and no.....but don't think too much about it....I understand that a human condition called a 'headache' is not pleasant....I don't wish to try one"

I had to giggle at this.

"There is something else that I would like from you.....but I understand that humans get quite embarrassed about this"

"Oh....whats that then?"


"Doesn't bother me.....ask your questions"

"Its not questions.....more of a request"

"Go on....Im intrigued"

"Well this body I occupy....Cindy Johnson is a lesbian....and from the data retrieval she has an amazing body"

"You've not looked?"

"Its my body not hers.......obviously that changes to a perception filter when Cindy is talking with others......the problem with the mirror was unforeseen"

"So what are you curious about?"

"In the far future......sex is an outdated concept....but for purely historical research I would like to have sex with you"

"With me?"

"Yes.......your a lesbian too"

"That's correct.....but I also have a girlfriend"

"True but its not real.....none of this is"

"Ok......so if I agree to have sex with you......wont that be difficult as you have never done it"

"True.....but Cindy has.....and you would be having sex with her body but my mind"

"I thought you said it would be your body"

"Yes......it is my body.....but only to me.....the filter will make you think that it is Cindy you are having sex with"

I had to admit.....in the two brief instances before this was all revealed....I had seen Cindy cross and uncross her legs.....she was incredible attractive and I could imagine the two of us....

"Ok.....purely for scientific research......when would you like to have sex with me?"


"Right now"

"Ok lets do it"

The Dark & The Light  ( Sequel to Metamorphosis)Where stories live. Discover now